Thank you for 200 Followers

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Recently, I hit 200 Followers which is absolutely INSANE. Especially given that I had 83 on the 1st of April this year. That's just-  wow.

So, to celebrate, I will be taking requests for a 3 chapter fanfic (at least 4500 words).


I will accept requests from anywhere. Aka the comments, DMs, the conversations tab, the writers discord server thing if ur on it and on my Instagram. Just, the easiest process possible. 😁

I will pick a favourite and then I'll write it as a separate story, obviously.

-No smut. None of that!
-I'm fine with weird stuff, just nothing graphically sexual
-has to be unOrdinary or Half Empty
-no crossovers (idk my stuff)
-just have fun

The deadline for suggestions is the next update. Then I'll announce which one I chose on the upload after that.

This should be interesting. I hope people leave suggestions or I'll be sad. I'm super hyped about this!!

Till next time<3

Till next time<3

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