Chapter 12

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William jumped from his seat, practically sprinting at the door.

"Mr Doe, please wait!" Vaughn begged.

"You expect me to wait any longer, knowing that my son is in Wellston right this second?!" He questioned, "I'm going to look for him!"

"We already have Keene and Leilah searching and, trust me, they're skilled at what they do." Vaughn said.

"An extra pair of eyes won't hurt, he's my son!"

Vaughn clenched his jaw, weighing what he wanted to say, "Mr Doe, there is a good chance that John is currently unstable and highly dangerous. It's best if you stay put, in case of a confrontation you'd be at a lethal disadvantage."

"I'm a cripple!" William yelled, "He can't copy my ability if I don't have one!!"

"Please, Mr Doe." The headmaster insisted, "John could easily have abilities already copied or, possibly, stored, depending on his current level. You wouldn't stand a chance."

"Sir, in that case, no one would."


"T-thank you, mister." Said the girl, bowing shyly.

Although he was initially confused, John then did his best to smile warmly and said, "Anytime. It was no problem."

He realised that he would leave this kid alone, which didn't seem like a wise idea. Concerned, he asked, "Do you need help finding your mom?"

The girl shook her head, "No, she's at the Lil' Market."

"Do you know your way there?"


He raised an eyebrow at the lack of confidence in the girl's response. "I'll walk you there, it's better that you don't go alone."

"Ok..." The girl yawned and rubbed her eyes. John realised that was his fault. He deactivated his ability, nullifying the energy drain. But, to his surprise, he collapsed under his own weight.

It turned out that the only thing that kept him on his feet were those strength enhancements. Without them, he was too weak to stand. The escape sucked up the little energy he had.

"Are you ok, mister?!" The girl called, "Why did you fall?"

"Err..." he lifted his face off the concrete, revealing a huge scrape on his chin. "I was caught by surprise." It was the truth, just not the answer to her question.

Seeing her hero struggle, the girl walked over and asked, "Do you need help getting up?" She started to tug at his sleeve.

"It's fine." He grimaced, as he attempted to crawl to his feet. He pushed himself up with his arms, but they trembled until he fell back onto the pavement. He sighed and activated his ability once again, unable to function without his basic, stored strength and regeneration. He felt pathetic.

Of course, now, he chose to not manifest 002's ability. That would have been stupid. He stood up, dusting off his coat and healing the graze on his chin.

"Wow!" The girl exclaimed in awe, "You have so many abilities!! You must be super strong!"

"Heh. Yeah..." his expression darkened.

"Let's go then!" The girl called, starting to walk ahead of the boy. He sighed, trying not to think about the facility, and followed her.

The street they were on was empty. They only passed one or two other people, before spotting the main street. Which was ridiculously crowded.

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