Chapter 16

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"What do you plan to do now, headmaster?" asked Leilah, leaning against a wall in the man's office.

"It's imperative that we keep our eye on John to ensure his safety, as well as aid his recovery." He replied, sipping his tea, "The authorities are bound to try and take him back. We must stop them. I believe it's time to spread the word to the public, especially with that announcement being broadcasted."

"I agree. It's best to strike while the iron is hot." she crossed her arms, "Any stories about him are bound to go viral. The problem is that we need a way to prove our authenticity."

Stroking he beard, Vaugh said, "We have a lead in the inner workings of EMBER. Is it possible for your former colleague to leak any footage of John's treatment there?"

"I'll ask but I can't promise anything." Leilah warned, "Benji involving himself would be very dangerous for him. But I'll do what I can."

"Yes, thank you." the headmaster replied, "And if it isn't too much to ask, I would like you to stay on or near campus until this blows over. Someone of your skill is a necessity to this cause."

"Of course, sir. But what does that entail?"

"I thought that you could remain at close proximity to the school and pose as a staff member once John rejoins the rest of the student body."

Leilah stumbled back, "You want him to go back to school?!"

Vaugh sighed, "Not now, but as soon as he's comfortable doing so. He'll be more secure is in a group rather than alone in the dorms for the entire day."

"That's a fair point." she fixed her hair behind her ear, "Have you told him and Mr Doe about this?"

"I shall." he said, "I asked Darren to send them to my office once they're done in the infirmary."


Unable to keep still, Blyke rotated between sitting on the couch, stool, the other stool or standing by the sink and gulping down glasses of water. He knew that William and two others were out looking for John. He hoped that they would find him of course, but, after watching that Emergency announcement, he was even more anxious about possibly seeing him again.

Honestly, Blyke was terrified. He was rooming with the notorious and undefeated 'hero-killer'. The one that ended Seraphina, an incredibly powerful god-tier. He had no idea what to expect. With how William described him before, John seemed pitiful, but knowing what he had done, he looked to be some kind of monster.

Blyke sighed. Only time could tell.

Cracking his knuckles, he stared at the clock. It was Friday and school had let out only a few minutes ago, yet he felt like he'd been home for hours. Just waiting around. He grunted, realising that this stress was effecting his appetite. He stood up, walking to the fridge. As he was about to grab the handle, he heard the twist of a key in a lock. Swiftly turning his head, Blyke watched the front door open.

Keene walked in, without paying the redhead any attention. He was clearly talking to someone behind him and made way by stepping to the side of the frame. Through the frame, Blyke could see a mysterious figure. They had a long, black coat resting on their head, which curtained their appearance. All Blyke could see where a pair of bony hands tightly clinging to the fabric and holding it in place.

"Right in there..." He heard William's voice. Blyke then noticed the man gently nudging the figure through the door. Once they both entered, William closed the door and said, "Alright. No one saw you. You can take the coat off now, son."

"Got it." the figure said, his voice muffled. Blyke recognised it instantly and slowly crept closer.

The figure lifted the coat off his head, revealing John. Blyke's eyes widened, it was him. A battered, starved and disturbed version of him. But still John.

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