Chapter 18

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Waiting for her was a nightmare, but Benji believed that assisting Leilah was the best course of action if he wanted to help John.

He breathed out, looking around the empty ally. She was going to be here soon. He hoped so at least. He'd been feeling uneasy the whole way to the established meeting location.

"Hey!" A woman called, it was her. She walked over, waving, from the far end, "Did you bring the pen drive?"

"Uh, yeah!" He fumbled around with it in his hands, but managed to hand it over.

Sliding it into her pocket, Leilah smiled, "Thanks again, I know how dangerous this is for you." She said, "Just know we all appreciate it. We owe you big time."

"It's really nothing." He dissmissed, ignoring the sweat that was collecting on his brow. "It's the only right thing to do."

Leilah nodded, "Indeed." she stepped back, "Alright, it's best that I go now."

"Yeah, see ya!"

Activating her ability she began to sprint away, "Talk to you soon!" She disappeared in a flash.

Rubbing his neck, Benji turned on his heel to go home, but his path was blocked by a blonde woman in a long, black trench coat.

"001?" He breathed, stumbling.

"Say goodbye, traitor."


It's been a few days since the escape and, sitting in the kitchen, John was looking over his old history textbook. It was an effective way to keep his mind off things. Besides, Vaughn said that he'd be going back to school once he felt ready, so the boy decided to brush up on what he'd missed.

Although, he couldn't imagine ever being ready to join the rest of the students. He was terrified of what could happen if he snapped or broke down, it would be horrific. No one should be as powerful as he was; it was too much for one person to handle as it is. But, John in particular, shouldn't possess such strength.

Pressing his lips into a line, he rested his elbow on the counter that he was sitting at and placed his forehead against his hand, leaning on it. He was worried. People would notice his presence in the school. Especially after the news coverage.

Honestly, he hoped that no one would ask about what happened. That no one would pay any extra attention to him. Sometimes it's better to just fade into the background.

Hearing the door lock click, John turned around to see his roommate enter their dorm, finishing class.

"Yo." Blyke nodded, closing the door and kicking off his shoes.

John waved, "Hey." And turned back to his studies.

"So, what're'ya up to?" Blyke asked, walking over to the sink and pouring himself a glass of water.

"Just some catching up, I guess." He said, "It's difficult.", he added in a mutter.

"Well, you did miss a good couple of months." Blyke pointed out, "what would it say about our program if you found it easy?" He joked, getting a small chuckle from John.

"Anyway" the redhead sipped from his glass, "Did you take your meds today?"

"Blyke," John looked up, tilting his head, "If I didn't, I think it would be obvious."

"Just checking..." after a pause he asked, "What did you eat today?" John stiffened, fixated on the text in his book.

Blyke sighed and said, "You were supposed to eat, you have a nutrition plan!" He sat down next to his roommate, "The sooner to adjust to it, the sooner you'll be back to health."

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