Chapter 14

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Leilah placed him down on the ground, in an alleyway close by. She made sure they were alone when she finally let time resume to normal. She leaned over the boy, gently slapping his cheek, "John, John, John!" She repeated incessantly.

"Am I dead, is this Hell?"

"No, you idiot, you were  blessed enough to have me save you." she said.

Frowning, John opened his eyes and glared at his saviour, "You should have let me die, you don't know who you just saved."

"I know your name, don't I?"

He paused, lowering his glance. "That's worthless now."

"Oh, sorry. Would you prefer I called you '004'?" She asked, almost mocking the suggestion.

Shock stretched across John's face, "H-how did you-? Why did you-?" He was at a loss. If she knew, why did she save him?

"Well, I just so happen to have a desperate headmaster and a heartbroken father on my back, waiting for me to find you." She said, leaning against a wall. She faced down as she couldn't stand to look at the boy anymore, half  because she felt unmatched guilt for what happened to him and half because he was the one who killed her sister.

Puzzled, John failed to wobble to his feet,  "You know my dad?!" He was stunned .

"Not personally, but I plan to deliver you back to him."

He tried to lift himself off the ground again, but he was too weak and exhausted. He could barely keep his eyes open. "How did you get roped into that?" He asked

Leilah chuckled sadly, "I dragged you out, so it's my job to drag you back . Simple as."

John froze in place. What did she mean 'dragged you out'?  Could it be that everything that happened to him was her fault. Everything was because of  her?!

Instinctively, he activated his ability and ground his teeth. His clenched fists twitched  as slammed them against the ground, cracking the concrete. Finally able to, he stood up and stared down at the woman.

She looked familiar, now that he really looked at her. He tilted his head, scowering his mind for where he knew her from. Then he realised he saw her in his dream. She was the woman that kidnapped him and Sera! She was telling the truth.

But there was something else. This woman reminded him of Sera, they looked similar-

"Wow. " the woman's voice caught his attention. He noticed that she was looking up at something above him, seemingly in awe.

Leilah couldn't help but admire  the boy's aura. It was easily one of the most dazzling things she'd ever seen. It was a gorgeous blend of blacks, golds and oranges, reminding her of a lava lamp. It reached up high in the air, surrounding John. Standing in the centre of it, he looked tiny compared to its magnitude.

 Standing in the centre of it, he looked tiny compared to its magnitude

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"No wonder EMBER wanted you so badly." she said, "You're a really talented young man, you know."


Focusing on the boy again, she listened as he continued, "You did this?!! You got me caught!!! So many people died because of it!!!!" He yelled,  "Because of me...and you!!!"

"Don't remind me." Leilah said calmly, "I visit my sister's grave often enough." The venom that dripped from her last sentence couldn't be helped.

"W-what?" John's voice cracked, "Your sister... was Sera, wasn't she?"

"Bingo." She breathed flatly.

"I'm really sorry." he admitted putting his hands in his coat pockets, "And I know that won't fix anything,  but I feel... awful about it."

"I assumed so."She said, "You were about to end yourself,  after all."

Letting his long bangs cover his eyes, he didn't reply in any way. He just stood there, silently.  Concerned, Leilah walked closer to him and noticed that he was trembling. 

She could hear him mutter,  "....I'll do it soon.... I deserve it...."

Sucking in a breath, Leilah grabbed and held John in a comforting embrace. "Calm down, you're not alone in this mess." She said, "There are other ways, have hope."

"H-hope for what?" He mumbled, "I'm not stupid enough to think I can  redeem myself .  I'm not who I used to be."

"No one expects you to be." Leilah said, "Everybody knows what you've been through. Besides, you're right, this is my fault. I'll never forgive myself , but, for what it's worth... I'm sorry."

John stiffened,  "Would you still be sorry if Sera hadn't died?"

Leilah paused, she didn't want to answer that. She knew that if her sister was alive and well, it would have been enough to suppress her conscience. It would have been worth it.

However, Seraphina's misery was obvious, followed by a fiery hatred towards Leilah. As first, Seraphina was more lenient and understanding towards her sister and her good intentions, overcome by the joy of actually seeing her again. But once those feelings began to fade, it made way for resentment and the rebutle of her forgiveness.

"I take that as a 'no'.", John shoved her off himself, turning away from her and stalking away.

"Wait!" She called after him, "Please don't go, I don't expect you to forgive me, or show me any gratitude. Please come back! She would have wanted you safe and sound. Carry on, for her."

John stopped. For her? He bit his lip, If that's what she would want... then maybe that could be my way of apologising. Actions speak more than words.

But then he'd have to face the people in his past. John shook his head but slowly walked to the woman. "Fine. But-"

"In that case." Leilah clapped her hands, making John flinch slightly, "Follow me, let's get you back to your dad."

"N-no." John said, clenching his jaw, "I'll try and live but- He...I can't face him. I can't let him see me like this. What will he t-think?"

"John, he knows too." She said.

He dropped his gaze to the ground. So, his dad knew already. It was too late.

Leilah stepped closer and patted his arm, "And he wants you to come home."

Hey, guys! Enjoy the early update💕

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Hey, guys! Enjoy the early update💕

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