Chapter 31

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I can't help but let out a gasp. TechnoBlade's gaze whips towards me, I see Dream turn too.

"W-what?" I ask shakily, still trying to process what just happened.

"Y/n," Techno growls, I see Dream tense as if he is ready to fight.

"You can't just-" I start, but Techno cuts me off.

"It's the government y/n! Don't you see? It isn't the leader, it isn't who the President is, it's the whole government itself!" He says, clearly exasperated. "You said it yourself, y/n, Tubbo changed!" He pauses and swings his pickax.

"Want to know why, y/n?" Techno asks in his usual monotone voice, I shake my head slightly. "It's because he has POWER now! He makes the commands he makes the decisions, so now he thinks he's all-powerful!" Techno explains with a sigh.

"All this trouble could've been solved without the government! None of you understand." Techno shakes his head in frustration.

"I could care less about the government, Techno! You can't blow up my home, you betrayed us!" I say angrily.

"I tried to fight with Pogtopia, as brothers. But I was being used, I felt used by you all. Like I was nothing more than weapon, I was nothing more than 'The Blade!'" He shouts.

"Techno that's not true..." I trail off as Techno takes out his pickax.

"All you care about is your country, y/n!" Techno says, raising his voice.

"And all you care about is yourself!" I retort, I can see Techno's eyes flash with rage. He swings his pickax at me, I see Dream quickly push him away.

"TechnoBlade..." Dream warns as I take a step back in shock.

"In order for L'manburgs safety, no matter how long it takes me... I will kill you TechnoBlade." Techno scoffs at my comment. I have netherite armor on and an ax. Techno only has iron armor on and a pickax. He is practically unarmed.

"I will!" I repeat with more confidence. I see Dream shoot me a "stop it" kind of look. Techno swings the pickax in his hand. Suddenly, he bolts down the tunnel and splashes himself with strength potions.

"I have a pickax and I'll put it through your teeth!" He growls, striding towards me. I swing my ax at him, but he dodges easily and swiftly lands a hit on me. I stumble back, there is a big dent in my armor. He takes another swing at me, his pickax grazing my cheek. I take a step back, my hand flies instantly to my face. I see Dream approach TechnoBlade, his ax in hand.

"TechnoBlade, enough!" Dream yells, his jaw clenched. Techno knows he couldn't take on Dream in full enchanted netherite armor. He steps back, his darkish yellow eyes flaring.

"I won't stop until L'manburg is exploded to the ground!" He threatens, mounting his horse, Carl.

"Get out of here, TechnoBlade," I spit.

"L'manburg WILL BE GONE!" He roars as he disappears down the tunnel on his horse.

I lean against the wall, breathing heavily. TechnoBlade honestly scares me, he's too strong, too powerful. If he and Dream team up against L'manburg.... it could be the end of it all. Dream turns to me.

"Are you ok?" He asks, concern in his tone. Dream's hand reaches gently for the cut on my cheek. I wince, as he tenderly touches it. He quickly pulls his hand away. Techno had done that, yet Dream still wants him on his side.

"Why are you siding with him?!" I ask angrily. I'm not even sure if I'm mad at Dream. It's just that so many things are happening at once. There could be a war against L'manburg coming up, Tommy got exiled, TechnoBlade threatened everybody, and Tubbo hates me. I don't want TechnoBlade to be executed, but his intentions were way worse than I had imagined...

"I'm sorry y/n, I know he's unpredictable. But I need him on my side if the war is to come." Dream says finally.

"He's too powerful! He'll destroy L'manburg!"  I reply nervously, Dream sighs.

"That's exactly why I need him."

TechnoBlade's POV:

I make it back to my cabin, riding on my horse all the way from the secret tunnel. I can't believe y/n, she is getting herself into more trouble than she can handle. Dream seems to care about her, love will only get you attached. I scoff, love distracts you from your priorities. That's Dream's weakness, I know better than to fall in love. I already learned the hard way...

I open the door and to my surprise, I see Tommy on the ground, looking through my chests.

"Tommy, what the fuck?" I ask, he instantly stops scrounging and looks up at me.

"Oh uh, hey Techno. Didn't expect you to be here so early." He laughs nervously.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, annoyed.

"I was hoping maybe we could help each other?" Tommy asks, clearing his throat.

"Help each other-" I start but Tommy cuts me off.

"Listen TechnoBlade, Tubbo exiled me. I'm not allowed into L'manburg anymore."

"What does that have to do with me?" I ask, in between a yawn.

"I need my disks back TechnoBlade, L'manburg doesn't seem to care about me anymore."

"Listen, Tommy, this is nice and all. But what do I get from helping you? You see, I need to destroy L'manburg." I say with an irritated sigh, Tommy looks down at the ground.

"Techno what I'm saying is that if you help me get my disks back..." He pauses and looks up back at me.

"I'll help you destroy L'manburg."

Tubbo's POV:

"Everybody, let's go!" I say leading Ranboo, Quackity, and Fundy to the control room.

"We need a new plan." Quackity starts.

"I'm tired of Dream pulling the strings, destroying our plans. He's always in the way, ruining everything!" I say angrily, Quackity nods in agreement.

"Dream has once again interfered in our plans! He should be our new target!" Quackity says. Ranboo and Fundy seem convinced enough.

"Do you guys remember when I was supposed to be executed?" I ask, I see Quackity's guilty look as he nods. "I was tricked by Schlatt to decorate into planning and decorating the festival. We should hold another festival, possibly one for Christmas," I continue, everyone fixes me with confused faces.

"Dream listens to me, so Dream will actually take off his armor in L'manburg," I add with a grin.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Ranboo asks.

"When he takes off his armor, we take our chance. We catch him off guard!" I say, raising my head in triumph. Once Dream is dead L'manburg will be safe, and Y/n will have no choice but to come back with me.

"So we're going to kill-?" Fundy starts. I cut him off with a sly grin.

"We're gonna kill Dream."

Authors note: Hey guys! I'm (Daniella) going to be going on a road trip to South Carolina for the week! I leave on Sunday, so I'll try to write as much as possible, sorry if there are fewer uploads next week. Just letting you all know <3 Also...I'm thinking of making one of the next few chapters EXTRA spicy iykyk. Y'all rocking with that?

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