Chapter 25

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"Let's go, Tommy, you're coming with me," Dream says. He swiftly jumps down from the L'manburg walls. Tommy follows him reluctantly, looking back at us. He locks eyes with me, this is it. Tommy's getting exiled.

"I can't believe you, Tubbo!" I say angrily when Dream and Tommy disappear from view.

"Y/n, I helped you! I couldn't let Tommy get away with what he did and watch you take the blame!" Tubbo argues.

"I could've taken the blame just fine! Now who knows what Dream will do to Tommy? Dream would've gone easier on me." I retort.

"I was trying to protect you, y/n! And why would Dream go softer on you anyway?!" Tubbo replies angrily.

"Because Dream cares about me!" I shout before I realize what I'm saying. Tubbo's face flashes with hurt.

"Yeah, well, I cared about you too y/n, and look where that got me..." Tubbo says quietly. "I just exiled my best friend to save you, and you're still in love with Dream!"

"Tubbo..." I start but he cuts me off.

"You love Dream, don't you? You love the guy who was so quick to believe you did all those things! To nearly exile you!" Tubbo says. I can hear the rage bubbling up in his voice. 

"I can't stop loving someone just because you want me to! And you banished me from Pogtopia, you were the one who thought I was the traitor!" I shout.

"Dream was the one who helped Wilbur! Dream helped to kill your brother!" Tubbo shouts back at me. I pause for a second, taken aback by his mention of Wilbur. I look down and shake my head.

"At least I still sided with you, even when Dream was on the other team. Even when you all hated me!" I say, looking up. 

"Y/n, Dream doesn't care about you-"

"What do you know, Tubbo?" I sneer, raising my voice. Tubbo falls silent.

"You're right y/n, what would I know? Because I'm just the stupid kid, aren't I? The stupid kid with the stupid crush." He says quietly, his voice not more than a whisper.

"Tubbo... I didn't mean-" I start guiltily, but Tubbo cuts me off.

"No y/n, you did mean it. You meant every word. I'm just a friend to you. I really thought I was something more, but I was wrong." Tubbo pauses. "I just wanted to do the right thing, even if it meant exiling my best friend..."

"But why did you do it Tubbo? I could've taken the blame!"

"I did it for YOU!" Tubbo shouts, raising his voice. He shakes his head. 

"I did it because I still love you..." He says quietly, his voice cracks with emotion. I feel my heart tear apart.

"Tubbo I'm so sorry..." I whisper, I'm not even sure what I'm apologizing for anymore.

"Go." He says quietly, I look at him in confusion.

"Go y/n, go find Dream, go find Tommy, go to your house, go hunting, I don't care where the fuck you go. Just leave me alone." Tubbo says, his voice tinged with hurt. I don't want to leave him, but I know I messed things up. He needs to be alone for a while. I turn away from him and head back to my house in L'manburg.

1 week later

Tubbo hasn't talked to me since he exiled Tommy. He made a speech earlier this week saying that whatever happens, we will all fight as one with our citizens and allies. Tubbo had essentially given power to Dream, just to save me. Quackity also revealed a L'manburg Hitlist, Techno and Dream being the main two targets. The day after Tommy was exiled, Dream came back. He said that Tommy is now far away and exiled. 

Dream said that he'd take down the obsidian walls, and declared L'manburg as independent and free. He claimed he'd support us in any future wars or rebellions. I wonder what Tommy is doing, I hope Dream didn't hurt him. I look outside, it's nighttime. Before I know what I'm doing, I grab my bow, some extra food, and tools, and head out. I have to find Tommy. I make sure nobody is outside so I can sneak out. I'm near the L'manburg gates when I hear a voice behind me.

"Y/n?" I turn to see a boy in a black and white mask.

"Ranboo?" I whisper, walking over to him. Ranboo and I met a couple of weeks ago and we've become friends since then.

"What are you doing out here, y/n?" Ranboo asks, his tall frame towering over me.

"Ranboo, you can't tell Tubbo I'm here... I have to go find Tommy." I say quickly, Ranboo's eyes widen.

"I know where Tommy is!" He says suddenly and I quickly shush him. I don't want anybody knowing we were here.

"You do?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, I visited him before. I offered him help if he ever needs it."

"Is he ok? Is he in trouble?" I ask anxiously.

"Dream visits him once in a while, he's made a home called Logstedshire." Ranboo chuckles.

"Did Dream hurt him?" 

"I'm not sure... I haven't visited him in a couple of days." Ranboo replies. "But I can bring you to him."

"Could you? Thank you so much Ranboo, I have to find Tommy." Ranboo makes what I assume is a smile as he leads me into the forest.

A bit later

Ranboo and I had been traveling on foot for about 30 minutes when he suddenly stops.

"What's wrong?" I ask, he quickly puts a finger to his lips.

"Shhh, Logstedshire is right there." He points through the brambles.

"Why can't we go over?" I ask quietly. Ranboo is in-front of me so I can't see what was happening in Logstedshire.

"Dream is there..." 

"What's Dream doing?" I ask frantically.

"There's a hole in the ground... Tommy placing his things there." Ranboo observes, I quickly push myself in front of him. I can hear Dream's angry voice as he tells Tommy to put all his belongings in the hole. Dream has his crossbow aimed at him, Tommy quickly does as he is told. Dream set all his things on fire and leaves, leaving a shocked, armour-less Tommy alone. He suddenly turns our way, spotting Ranboo's crown.

"Ranboo?" He calls out, and Ranboo steps out of the bushes. Tommy's shocked gaze lands on me.


Author's note: Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter. My arm finally stopped shaking, so my day's going pretty well so far. Thank you all so much for the love and support, and please vote! <3

Side note: So I got a few comments about Tubbo's crush on y/n being illegal because he's a's not. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not illegal unless they participate in sexual activities together. :/ Besides, I'd definitely be in jail right now if it were illegal to have crushes on people over 18. Then I wouldn't be able to write this story. I'm getting distracted, sorry. Point is, it's not illegal.

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