Chapter 67

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CW: Angst

Y/n's POV:

I approach the prison. I decided to try and visit Dream, maybe Sam's finally let Tommy go. I reach the doors of the prison, I'm reaching for the handle when they suddenly burst open. Sam runs out, nearly bumping into me. He seems dazed, out of breath, in shock.

"Sam, what going on?" I ask in concern. Sam just looks at me, his eyes wide. "Did Dream get hurt? Did he escape?" I question.

"N-no..." Sam stutters, tripping over his words in shock. He looks down at his shaking hands, muttering incoherent words.

"What happened!?" I ask louder, confused and frustrated. Sam looks up from his hands to meet my gaze. A look of horror spreads across his face.

"It's Tommy. He's dead." A long silence spreads between us.

"Everything will be ok tomorrow."

Dream's warning rings in my head. I close my eyes shut, a wave of shock washes over me. Dream's words sound like an empty promise. My breath quickens, and I start to feel light-headed. Before I can say anything I hear quiet sobs. I open my eyes to see Sam, tears rolling down his cheeks one after the other.

"I couldn't do it. I couldn't save him in time. I was too late..." Sam sobs, shuddering with every breath. "It's all my fault."

"Sam," I start softly. "You have to let me in. I have to speak with Dream."

"No... don't you see what just happened? I can't let anyone else in..." Sam looks up at me, dry tears stain his face. I open my mouth to protest, but I know it'll be no use. A fresh wave of shock hits me again. He's dead. Tommy's dead. I feel my own eyes moisten with tears... he's actually dead. It doesn't matter if I'm against him or not, at one point he was my best friend. Now, he's gone.

"Trust me, everything will be ok."

Dream's promise rings in my head again. I only hope I can trust Dream.

Tubbo's POV:

I let out a long sigh, my stomach still in a tight knot. I've been feeling weird all day, goosebumps all over my body, and my heart racing in my chest. I have a horrible sensation that something bad just happened. I just don't know what. My mind wanders back to what I've been thinking about since I moved to Snowchester.


I haven't seen or heard from her since the last time we talked... all three of us had a big argument. I needed to get away from all the 'noise' of the SMP. That's why I came here to Snowchester.

Ranboo lives here too, we've been talking recently. Turns out he didn't want to pick sides but was forced to by Dream, he picked sides unintentionally. We both have the same opinion on Dream. We're both on good terms now and have become friends. Technoblade also lives nearby, I haven't had the guts to go and see him yet. If ever.

Suddenly, the front door opens with such force that the table rattles. I flinch and whip my head to look at who it is. My eyes widen as I realize it's Ranboo.

"Ranboo? What's going on, is something wrong?" I ask worriedly. Ranboo's expression is full of shock and grief. Ranboo shakes his head and walks over to me. Without saying a word he engulfs me into a hug.

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