Chapter 15

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9 days left until the war against Manburg. I'm out of the house, gathering materials for the upcoming battle. The sun shines bright as I continue my search for food.

"Hey," A familiar voice says. I turn to see Dream. His mask is off, his emerald green eyes glowed in the sunlight. I couldn't believe what had happened last night, he betrayed Pogtopia. What had Schlatt offered him anyways?

"Dream..." I start, he looks up at me. I get lost in his perfect green eyes, his lopsided smirk, his dirty blonde hair that turns a light golden color when the sunlight hits it just right. Before I know it, Dream is inches away from me. Almost touching me, he was so close, it was all so close. Dream looks down at me, I reach for his face but he backs away.

"I can't... you have Tubbo." He says, looking away. I feel cold without his body next to mine.

"Dream, I don't want Tubbo... I want you." I feel heart-torn, but Tubbo is just my friend. I feel something different around Dream. I pull Dream in and he looks at me again, this time placing his hand on my face. I blush, feeling his hands trace my cheek. In the back of my mind is an underlying worry, he was the bad guy. It's true, he is the bad guy, but he is so damn good at it.

"You should prepare for the war," Dream says. pulling back. I sigh. He's right but what's Dream's deal with me? It's too much of a coincidence, him running into me twice.

"Y/n, I can't do this," He says suddenly.

"What do you mean 'this?'" I ask, looking him in the eyes.

"I can't meet up with you like this y/n, it's messing me up. I have responsibilities I have to take care of." I stare at him, speechless. "It was fun while it lasted y/n, but in the end, we both know we have to go our separate ways. This has got to end." I look at him in shock.

"So that's what it was Dream? All I ever was to you, was a game?" Dream looks down.

"We can't keep this up y/n..." He trails.

"Keep what up, Dream?!" I say exasperated. "You know what, you were telling the truth, Dream..." I laugh softly.

"From the very beginning, you told me I was just a game piece! And you were right, I've just been here entertaining you and I didn't even realize it!" I pause, his eyes don't meet mine. "Now this silly 'game' is over, isn't it Dream? Now that you've had your fun, it's over." He turns around, his back facing me.

"Y/n, stop..."

"I'm right, Dream, aren't I? I've just been your puppet all along." I say, my voice breaking. He ignores me and throws a pearl towards Manburg, purple particles floating around him. Dream looks back at me before disappearing.

"Goodbye, y/n."

Later that day

I was back in Pogtopia, I walk inside the house. I'm still angry at Dream for what happened. Was he really only using me?

"Hey y/n! Where were you?" I turn to see Tubbo,  but he doesn't have his usual smile.

"I was out looking for food," I reply calmly, trying not to let my lie show through.

"Really? Food, huh? How interesting..." Tubbo says as all eyes turn to him. What's he on about?

"Yeah Tubbo, food," I say again. He couldn't have seen Dream and me... right?

"Yeah well, I don't think meeting with the enemy is food!" He yells. I step back. Tubbo's never yelled at me before. His face flashes with hurt. "I heard what you said to him."

"Tubbo, is this true?" Tommy asks, giving me a glare.

"I saw them in the forest, they were talking to each other." Tubbo whispers, shaking his head.

Tubbo's POV:


I decided to make myself useful since for the last couple of weeks I've been lying in bed. I see y/n leave with her bow to go hunting. I sigh. I should've never told her how I felt. I only did because I didn't think I'd survive my injury. Everything is weird and awkward with us now. I know she doesn't feel the same way. I grab my pickax and head outside. I'm heading down my usual path to the mines when I hear a voice. Behind the bushes, I see y/n and somebody else... I peer over the brambles. It's Dream. They're inches away from each other, his hand resting on her face. I look away, I know she loves him. I stand up to walk away when I suddenly hear her voice.

"Dream, I don't want Tubbo, I want you."

Y/n's POV:

"Guys I promise nothing happened-" I start, trying to defend myself. Techno cuts me off.

"What if you're the traitor?" His voice echoes across the tavern.

"It makes sense, she's been meeting with the enemy!" Tommy shouts.

"No guys, listen to me!" I yell, but they ignore me.

"Y/n I saw you with Dream! I heard what you said to him..." Even though Tubbo's shouting, I can see the hurt in his eyes. He wasn't supposed to hear that.

"Tubbo please, I'm sorry," I say, but he looks away. They didn't know half of it, Dream is nothing to me anymore.

"Dream was right about one thing," Tubbo spits and points a finger at me. "There is a traitor among us... and it's y/n." No, he's wrong. I'm not the traitor. He isn't thinking straight.

"Tubbo! No, I'm not the traitor! Why would I be helping you if I was?!" I remind them defensively.

"Maybe you're just Dream's spy, telling him about our plans," Tommy adds.

"Please just trust me, please!" I plead. I suddenly realize Wilbur hasn't said a word in our conversation. He's just looking at me with a blank stare.

"Wilbur!" I shout at him, "Please tell them, I'm not the traitor!" He shrugs.

"I don't know, y/n. Seems like a pretty big coincidence to me." Wilbur says in a monotone voice. I gasp, my own brother won't even defend me.

"Get out of here, you traitor!" Tommy yells at me, taking out his sword. I look at him in shock.

"Tommy... what are you doing?!" I ask cautiously, backing up as he moves closer.

"You're banished from Pogtopia, go back with your little green bitch boy!" He swings his sword at me. I grab my shield and bow and head for the door. I look back to see Tubbo. A tear rolls down his cheek. I can't help but feel angry.

"This all your fault, Tubbo! Are you happy now that I'll be banished?!" I yell at him as Wilbur gives me a disappointed look. I can't believe my brother. I raise my shield as Tommy goes in for another swing. My eyes flicker across all of them.

"I'll see you all at the war, then you'll realize I'm not the traitor!" I shout at them, Tubbo shakes his head sadly. They really think I'm the traitor.

"Go back to Manburg with Dream!" Tommy yells, pushing me against the door. Then I snap, I've had enough of being pushed around today. I push Tommy back, blocking his sword and sending it scattering across the floor. I hear TechnoBlade egging us on. I swing my ax at Tommy, hitting his armor. It leaves a big dent. He lands on the ground, winded as I kick him back. I approach him, my ax in hand. The rest is a blur as white, hot anger overtakes me. I can hear my name being called faintly, over and over. I don't realize what I'm doing until I feel a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. I turn to see Tubbo.

"Y/n! Stop, please, your hurting him!" My vision clears, and I see Tommy on the ground. He has a bloody nose, a deep cut on his jaw, and a dent in his armor. I step back in shock.

"I- I'm sorry Tommy-" Tommy cuts me off, removing his hand from his bleeding jaw.

"Get out." He says coldly. I glance at Tubbo. He has a sad look in his eyes, they all stare at me like I'm a maniac. What have I done? Anger overwhelmed me and I let it get the best of me. I quickly hurry out the door into the cold, starless night. That is it, I think. I'm banished from Pogtopia. I lost my two best friends and my brother. I feel like I'm about to cry, but a familiar voice stops me.

"Nice to see you again, y/n"

Author's note: You guys so amazing! Ty for the reads, votes, and comments, it means so much to us! Stay tuned for more chapters later on! Love you guys <3

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