Chapter 35

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y/n's POV:

"Yeah, thanks, Tubbo," I say distractedly, Tubbo walks towards Ranboo and Fundy. He seems off but I can't quite place what it is. I sigh, pushing away my thoughts about Tubbo. If there is a war, I'll have to side with L'manburg. I can't leave my home, the place Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and I created. Dream would understand... right? I know that when the time comes I'll have to choose. L'manburg, my friends, the nation my brother created. Or Dream... Dream, the boy I've fallen for. I try to forget about all of those things as I walk over to Niki, who's waving me over with a bright smile.

A little while later

Everyone has exchanged their gifts already. Dream and I are trying to be as distant as possible, Dream doesn't want anyone assuming anything about us. I'm standing with Tubbo as we watch the commotion over the room. It's nice, seeing everyone here again. I look over at the corner where Dream and his friends are. I wait for a second before Dream turns to me. I smirk and give him a wink teasingly. A few seconds later, I see Dream walking towards me.

"Can I have a minute, Tubbo?" Dream asks the younger boy as he approaches. Tubbo nods reluctantly, giving Dream a glare as he leaves me alone with him. Dream grabs my hand roughly.

"We're leaving," He growls softly in my ear.

"What why-" I start but Dream cuts me off.

"I told you you'd regret it later," He says, his tone dangerously low as he leads me away from the party. I glance back before walking with Dream.

A bit later

Dream and I get back to his base. I immediately go to my room and plop down on my bed. I didn't want to leave the party so early, we'd only been there for two hours. But I know better than to defy Dream. I get up and walk over to my closet. I might as well change into something more comfortable, I'm not going anywhere today. I try to take off my dress, but the zipper is on the back. Ugh. I struggle with it.

Suddenly, I feel a hand gently push mine away from the zipper. I hear the sound of my dress unzipping down my back and a cold breeze hits my skin. I don't turn around when his hand moves away. I hold up my dress, my hand over my chest so it doesn't fall. I wait for Dream to leave, but I still feel his lingering presence behind me.

"I need to get changed," I say.

"No one's stopping you..." Dream whispers in my ear. I turn around to look at him, his green eyes meet mine. His white button-down is revealing part of his contoured chest, his black tie loosely hanging around his neck. His hair looks messy, but it's somehow more attractive that way. Dream must have noticed me watching him. His hand reaches for my face, tilting it upwards to his own. He looks at me, a questioning look in his eye. I want to hold a grudge against him so badly. Then again...I give him a small nod, and he leans in closer.

Dream's lips smash into mine. I feel myself dropping the dress as I move my hand behind his neck. His arm snakes around my waist, pulling our bodies closer. We stay like that for a while. He backs me up against the wall, not breaking our kiss. Dream's hand moves down to my thigh, signaling for me to jump. My legs wrap around his waist and my arms around his neck as he supports me with his hand under my upper thigh. He sits down on the edge of my bed, I'm still straddling him. Dream starts kissing my neck and I moan softly.

"God, you're so fucking hot," He grunts between kisses. A minute later we pull away, both of us breathing heavily. I move off of his lap onto the floor, sitting on my knees as I look at him lustfully. He looks down at me, visibly surprised. I move my hands up to his pants, fumbling with the button.

Dream's hand grabs mine and I look up at him, confused. "Y/n... I don't know if this is a good idea."

"You don't want this to happen?" I ask, suddenly feeling insecure as I pull my hand back.

"No, y/n, of course, I want this. But are you sure you're ready?"

I know I'm not ready. I'm already plenty humiliated, how am I supposed to tell him that, to let him down? He's gonna hate me. I look away as tears prick my eyes. I try to hide them, but Dream notices.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, my voice nearly imperceptible.

"Y/n..." Dream says, concern in his voice. He stands and leans down, helping me up off the floor. His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer.

"Y/n you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have rushed you." Dream whispers, laying down on the bed. He motions for me to lay down next to him, I rest my head on his warm chest. We stay there in silence for a couple of minutes, Dream playing with my hair.

"I love you, y/n," Dream says, tilting my head up to him.

"I love you too," I give him a tired smile. Eventually, exhaustion overtakes me, and I fall asleep in his arms.

The next day

I wake up, Dream isn't with me. I sit up and look around the room, remembering what happened last night. Suddenly the door opens, Dream is there.

"You're awake," He says with a soft smile. 

"Where'd you go?" I ask, pulling myself out of bed and grabbing one of Dream's hoodies to wear. 

"I just had some business to take care of," Dream shrugs.

"At 8 in the morning?" I say jokingly, leaning in to kiss him. After a minute, I pull away. I'd been meaning to tell him something. I need to go back to L'manburg, I can't stay with Dream, at least not for now.

"Dream..." I start, he must notice my troubled expression because he fixes me with a confused look.

"I need to go back to L'manburg," I say, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"You can't," Dream says firmly.

"Dream, I'm not your hostage anymore!" I protest, looking up at him. He stays silent. I sigh and shake my head. "I need to figure it out, okay? I know I'm going to have to pick a side soon." 

Dream nods reluctantly. I get up from the bed and grab my things, stuffing them in my leather bag.

"I'll see you soon Dream," I say, looking up at him.

"See you soon y/n..."

Dream's POV:

I understand that she needs to go back to L'manburg. I would've done the same. The festival is approaching, I need to make sure my SMP is safe. I need to make sure everything stays in order, and stay in power. And to have power, sometimes you have to take things into your own hands. Y/n doesn't have to know...

"See you soon y/n..." I say, distracted in my own thoughts. I'll see her soon at the festival, right after I blow up the community house...

And blame it on TommyInnit.

Author's note: Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter! It was going to go a whole different way, but we decided not to because I actually physically cringed. Anyway, it's kinda emotional but not really. So...yeah. Please vote <3

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