Chapter 48

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TW: Minor Blood/gore

Dream's POV:

"Fuck off Dream," Tubbo snarls, gripping his sword tightly. I laugh harshly.

"Tubbo this is war!" I shout at him.

"Look what you did, Dream! Y/n is gone because of what you said!" Tubbo counters, he's wrong. Before I can reply he continues arguing. 

"You ruin everything, Dream! Do you know what you did? No! You have no idea do you?" What is he on about? "You hurt y/n, Dream. More than you'll ever realize! You hurt her, you motherfucker!" For a second guilt washes over me, but it's quickly replaced with anger.

"Tubbo you're no fucking better! You think I didn't know about your little plan to kill me?!" I yell, for a split-second a look of fear flashes on his face. "You thought I didn't know? I knew all about your dumb little plan, Tubbo! Do you think I'm stupid? You were gonna kill me so you'd have y/n for yourself. I know all about it Tubbo, Ranboo told us everything!" 

"I hate you!" Tubbo yells, his eyes flaring as he takes out his sword. Tubbo really thinks he can fight me? I can kill him in a heartbeat. I let out a slow chuckle, taunting the younger boy.

"What's so fucking funny, Dream?" Tubbo yells as he takes a step forward, perhaps trying to intimidate me. I don't budge. Suddenly, Tubbo's palms push roughly against my chest plate. I stagger backward slightly.

"You don't want to fight me, Tubbo," I warn, lowering my voice as I regain my balance.

"Everyone always listens to what you want Dream! That's why I want to kill you, you're manipulative and power-hungry! You ruin everything just for self gain, for your own benefit." Tubbo shouts as he attempts to drive his body towards me. I swing at him with my axe, catching him off guard. He stumbles backward, cursing under his breath. "You took y/n away from me!" Tubbo yells, trying to land another blow on me, I block easily. If he wants to fight, then I'll give him a fight he'll never forget.

"Do you know what your problem is Tubbo?" I growl, pushing him back with my ax easily. "She'll never love you back." I catch him off guard, landing a strong blow on his chest plate. I see the look of hurt on his face as I push Tubbo down with a single brute motion against his shoulders. I send his sword scattering across the ground, out of reach. Tubbo lands on the ground, hard. I can see the underlying fear in his eyes. I loom over him, axe in hand.

Tubbo's POV:

I'm defenseless, on the ground, injured with no weapon. Dream circles around me menacingly. I realize how small I am compared to Dream, how powerless I am.

"D-Dream," I stammer quietly. I quickly scold myself for tripping over my words. I don't want to admit it but I'm absolutely terrified. Dream stays dead silent, the sound of fighting all around us. With a swift movement Dream presses his axe against my cheek. He traces the blade down my face slowly, mocking me. I resist the urge to flinch. I don't want to seem like Dream scares me, even though he does. My breathing pattern starts coming out in short gasps as panic finally overcomes me.

"Listen here Tubbo, I'm being very fucking patient with you. Listening to you ramble on about all this bullshit. Don't think I won't kill you just because you're y/n's friend!" Dream's loud, angry voice startles me.

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