Chapter 22

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Techno runs from the scene before the Wither can explode. Right as he disappears from view, there's a massive explosion. Out of the smoke and rubble, the Wither flies up. Everyone is running and screaming, chaos everywhere.

"Everyone follow me!" Dream commands, as he leads us all away from the Wither. Dream stands next to me, swinging his ax. 

"We all need to go and fight it together, or else it'll kill us." Dream instructs, his voice calm. "I've fought these before, if we go at it as a group there's a chance we can defeat it." Everyone nods shakily and takes out their weapons. I ready my bow, and we run back out into the battlefield. I see the Wither up in the sky, one of its heads swivels towards me. It shoots the explosive, landing it right next to me. I quickly shoot at it, it seems unfazed. Dream is pelting it with arrows.

"We need to get it to low health so it will come down! Then we can hit it with our swords!" Dream shouts, as more explosives and fire rain down from the monster. TechnoBlade is nowhere to be seen, that coward. Everyone is running and shooting at the Wither, but it doesn't seem to work. We run to the tower, and climb up it.

"Shoot!" Dream orders, and we let our arrows fly. The Wither screeches in pain. Yes! It's working. 

"Again!" Dream yells, but this time, the Wither is prepared. It flies towards us and shoots the tower. The stone begins to crumble.

"Everyone get out!" I yell, nobody needed to be told twice. We let everyone go first, until it was only Dream and I left.

"Go!" He shouts. "Get out, hurry!" He says urgently. I quickly run down the ladder, to the bottom of the crumbling tower. My stomach twists as I see the Wither switch it's attention from Tommy to Dream. The Wither shoots at the top of the tower.

"Dream!" I scream, as he rushes down the ladder. I grab his hand at the end and we run out of the tumbling structure. The wither shoots at it again, and it comes crashing down. I look back, it's all dust and rubble. I sigh in relief, but my relief didn't last long. The Wither turns on us, shooting it's projectiles. It all happens too fast, Dream raises his shield, covering me from the explosion. It shatters the wood, and sends Dream flying back. I run to Dream's side as the Wither turns it's attention back to the others. Dream's laying on the ground.

"Dream!" I run over and kneel next to him, and he sits up groggily. I take off his mask and wince. He has a nasty cut on his cheek. "Fuck, Dream why do you gotta be so reckless?!" I say lightly. Dream laughs.

"I saved you!" He says, rolling his eyes, I give him a small smile. He stands up shakily as I help him up.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm good." He grunts, putting his mask back on, and we run back to the group. The Wither is no longer flying in the sky, it's low in health. It can't fly when it's too hurt. Dream and I charge in, hitting it with our axes. The Wither falls to the ground and seems to be dead. I feel a burst of relief until I hear Dream's voice.

"Everyone run! When the Wither dies it explodes!" He warns, everyone looks at Dream with panic and runs. As if on cue, the Wither explodes, creating another crater in L'manburg. I stand up from the knock-back of the explosion, most of L'manburg is in ruins. Before we can register whatever just happened, Techno appears.

"You guys are all foolish! You'll see, the problem is the government not the President!" Techno says, exasperated. "Don't say I didn't warn you!" He booms, I look up to see him in the top of Eret's tower.

"Get out of here you coward!" I shout. Techno sneers, his enchanted crossbow glowing in the night sky. His cape twirls in the wind as he turns around. 

"This won't be that last you'll see of me." He growls. Before Techno jumps into darkness, he looks me straight in the eyes.

"I'll be back."

Author's note: Hi lol. Hope you liked this chapter! Please vote! <3

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