Chapter 37

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The Wither explodes to life, knocking me back. It's much smaller than the other one Techno spawned a while back, but it's still powerful enough. The slowness potion has finally worn off. I can't believe Tommy and Techno for doing this. I shake away my thoughts, I don't have time to think about that now. I quickly get up, grabbing my bow and arrow. I shoot at the monster as I run into L'manburg. I have to warn everybody.

"Wither! Run!" I yell, alarming everyone.

Everyone runs out of their houses in panic. Ranboo runs towards me, his glasses off and his eyes wide.

"Grab your weapons!" Ranboo roars, taking out his iron sword. Tubbo and Quackity quickly join us.

Niki and Fundy are shooting at the monster from up high. The wither is shooting explosives everywhere. I run towards the L'mantree, hoping to get it from the back. As I near the tree, my foot gets caught in one of the roots. Shit. I try to pull my foot out, but it doesn't budge. I'm stuck. 

Suddenly, the wither shifts its attention from the others onto me. My eyes widen, I frantically tug on my leg harder, trying to escape. I give up and shoot arrows at the wither as it advances towards me. Nothing's working. I have no armor on, and I've run out of arrows. The wither moves closer and closer. I try to break free from the tree root, tugging my leg desperately.

All of a sudden, I see Tubbo. What is he doing? Tubbo runs at the wither, which is now close to the ground. He raises his sword and brings it down on one of the wither's heads. The wither screeches in pain. That was all the time Tubbo needed, he hurriedly runs towards me. Breathing heavily, he kneels next to me. Tubbo quickly slashes the tree root that my foot is tangled in with his sword. After a couple of second,s the tree root gives out under the sword's blade, setting me free.

For a split second, Tubbo's blue eyes meet mine. He grabs my hand and helps me up without saying a word. Ranboo and the others are going towards the wither with their weapons, ready to attack. Soon enough, the wither falls to the ground. We all stand back. The wither explodes, leaving a huge crater next to the L'mantree. I give Tubbo a grateful look. I scan the area, there are small holes and craters all around L'manburg. It's nothing we can't fix. I stand up shakily, out of breath and still in shock. Tubbo places a hand on my shoulder, steadying me.

"Thank you, Tubbo," I say softly, his gaze doesn't meet mine. He hasn't spoken a word to me since our last argument.

"Who spawned the Wither?" Tubbo asks finally, his eyes sweeping over the crowd. Everyone shifts uncomfortably in their spots, none of them know.

"TechnoBlade," I spit, rage bubbling up inside me.

"TechnoBlade?" Tubbo echoes. "I knew we should've killed him!" He growls. I see Quackity nod in agreement.

"Anybody else?" Tubbo questions, his eyes still not meeting mine. I gulp, should I tell them about Tommy? I have to, he'll be considered a threat as long as he's working with Techno.

"...Tommy," I say finally.

"Tommy?!" Tubbo exclaims, clearly taken aback.

"He's helping Techno-" I start, but Tubbo cuts me off.

"Why?" He asks in shock.

"For his disks, Tubbo! Because you exiled him, and Dream hates him. He says it gives him leverage over both of you," I explain hastily.

Tubbo's POV:

For his disks?! I knew Tommy would be reckless, but helping TechnoBlade? Tommy was the last person I would've thought to help destroy L'manburg. I feel a twinge of guilt, I exiled him. I only exiled him for y/n, and she doesn't even seem to care. She has no clue what it's like, suddenly having all this power. Having to choose over my best friend and the girl I love, and then losing my best friend. Losing Wilbur... it's all too much. And now Dream, of course, y/n is in love with him. When the wither was after her, I knew I couldn't let it hurt her. I'd do anything for her, just to see her bright smile. But, she doesn't love me, at least not the same way. I let out a long sigh. Just 2 more days.

"Guys, we can't do anything about it anymore. All we can do now is prepare," I say, giving Quackity a knowing look.

"Prepare for what?" Y/n questions, looking between Quackity and me. 

"The festival!" I say, putting on a halfhearted smile.

The festival where I'll finally kill Dream.

TechnoBlade's POV:

Tommy and I are on our way back to my cabin. Of course, y/n had to get in the way. She's starting to annoy me, always trying to stop my plans. Always trying to play the hero. If Dream goes soft on L'manburg just because of her I'll have to take things into my own hands. Ever since y/n talked to Tommy, he's been reluctant to help me destroy L'manburg. As if on cue, Tommy speaks up again.

"Maybe we shouldn't have done that... what if it was too much?" Tommy asks nervously. I groan, I'm already sick of Tommy's constant complaining.

"You said you want your disks back, right?" I growl as we continue walking. Tommy nods and trails behind me.

"Then you're going to help me, or the deal is off," I say firmly.

"But, a Wither-" Tommy starts, but I cut him off.

"Tommy..." I warn, I'm losing my patience with him. Tommy stays silent for a couple more minutes. We get nearer and nearer to the cabin.

"Techno I don't think this is right..." He whines again, breaking the silence. I turn on him swiftly, taking out my glowing netherite sword. Then I snap. That's it, I've had enough of this.

"Tommy I don't want to hear it. I'm fed up with your complaining. If you want your disks back, you will help me!" I snarl, my eyes flaring as I point my sword at his throat. Tommy's eyes widen, and he nods vigorously. I don't care at this point. I want L'manburg destroyed at all costs. Hot anger overcomes me, the government will be destroyed. No. Matter. What.

"T-Techno!" Tommy stutters desperately, I snap out of my thoughts. The tip of my sword had drawn a line of blood on Tommy's neck. Tommy takes a small step back, his eyes fear-filled. Tommy fears me, and he has every right to.

"You do want your disks back, right?" I question lowly. Tommy nods reluctantly, and I lower my sword.

"Good. Now, Ranboo told me that in 2 days they're hosting a festival." I say, turning back around as we continue trudging towards the cabin. Ranboo has been helping me, feeding me news from L'manburg. I laugh silently, Ranboo is a traitor in L'manburg, yet nobody knows it.

"How does that help us?" Tommy questions nervously.

"That's when we strike..." I pause to turn and look at Tommy.

"Strike?" Tommy asks hesitantly.

"We're gonna go to that festival... in secret."

Author's note: We did it guys! We finally reached a milestone, 100k reads! Thank you so much for all your love and support, it means so much to us. Sorry for the late update, school is driving me mad. Love you all <3

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