Chapter 43

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TechnoBlade's POV:

Tommy betrayed me. Now, L'manburg is going to pay. A thousand thoughts fill my head as I trudge to my cabin in Snowchester. Why would Tommy betray me... why would he choose L'manburg? L'manburg caused him nothing but trouble, the government causes nothing but trouble. None of them understand, I'm trying to help them! I clench my fist in frustration. Government corrupts! I sigh to myself. Dream and I agreed to meet up once we both get everything ready for tomorrow. We'll strike at night, this same time tomorrow. Something seems to be happening between Dream and y/n. I'm not sure what it is, but what I do know is that love makes you weak.

Dream will always be weaker than me as long as he loves something or someone, just like Tommy with his discs. I scoff, why are those discs so important to him, anyway? Suddenly, a sick thought crosses my mind. What if I have to fight Tommy? I pause for a second, then quickly shake my head. No. It doesn't matter, Tommy means nothing to me anymore. If he gets in my way, I'll have to fight him. But, deep down I knew I couldn't bring myself to kill Tommy...

I return to my cabin, ready to make all the preparations for tomorrow. I swing the door open, I see a familiar crown. My eyes widen in surprise, what was he doing here?


Y/n's POV:

"Everybody follow me!" I yell, pushing aside all my worries about Dream. Technoblade and Dream had gone their own ways for now, which left a shocked crowd in the destroyed community house.

"Oh my god, oh my god." Tommy repeats softly as he runs a hand through his blonde hair nervously. I lead everybody outside onto a safer part. Tubbo has a worried expression on his face. Once we had all gathered outside the community house I motion for Tommy and Tubbo to stand next to me. Suddenly, more bickering breaks out between the crowd.

"Listen! Everybody listen to me! We don't have enough time to blame people right now, we don't have time!" I yell, as everyone falls silent.

"Y/n's right, every shit thing that's happened, put it all to the side right now." Tommy agrees. "Everything, everything to the side, alright? I haven't been the person I wanted to be since I got exiled." Tommy continues on, facing everyone. Suddenly, someone who I hadn't talked to much speaks up.

"Y/n, Tommy, Tubbo." Punz nods to each of us in turn, he was in full enchanted netherite armor. "Wilbur was my friend, L'manburg is a free country and a part of history. We need to stop Dream and TechnoBlade, we need to do whatever it takes. You have me on your side for this." Punz finishes with a determined look in his eyes. I give him a grateful smile.

"You know what Punz, your right. Thank you for joining us. We need everybody we can get!" I continue. "I don't even care if Tommy did or didn't blow up the community house, this is about L'manburg now." I pause and turn to Tommy, he gives me shaky nod. I take a deep breath, I had to stay strong for the people of L'manburg, just like Wilbur would've wanted me to. "Here's what we're gonna do. 3 chests." I pause and gesture to the 3 chests behind me. "One for weapons, one for armor, and one for supplies." I conclude. "Everyone please contribute everything you've got-" Tommy cuts me off.

"Please," his voice cracks. "Listen, I know I've fucked up and I know you've all fucked up but we're on common ground here. L'manburg."

"We have one day. There is not time. There is not time, so everyone has to help!" Tubbo chimes in.

"We can't afford to fuck it up this time!" Tommy cries out.

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