Chapter 2

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"Nice ride." Lyra heard someone call out as she exited Bella's truck, making her roll her eyes.

"Thanks." Bella replied sarcastically.

Lyra sighed before throwing an arm around Bella's shoulders, "Ignore him. Tyler's one goal in life is to annoy everyone he meets."

Bella gave Lyra a small smile as she allowed the copper-haired girl to lead her to the main office. They walked into the office and over towards the desk, Bella going first as she leaned on the oak wood desk, "Um- Swan, Isabella Swan." Bella said awkwardly.

"Yep, right here," The receptionist said with a smile, pulling out Bella's class schedule and handing it to her, "Lyra."

"Hey, Ms. Connie." Lyra greeted with a small two finger salute, "I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta help Bella here find her first class."

"Well, then see you around, Lyra."

"See ya!" Lyra chirped as she grabbed Bella's wrist and began to drag her out of the office and down the school hallways.

Suddenly, the pair were approached by an Asian boy with shoulder-length black hair. "Hey, your Isabella Swan, the new girl." He said, pointing at Bella, "Hi, I'm Eric, I'm the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on..."

"Uh... I'm more of a suffer in silence type." Bella admitted.

"As for a tour guide," Lyra spoke up, "I've already claimed that role."

Eric turned his gaze to Lyra, eyes widening as if he just noticed her. "Oh, um, hey... Lyra?" He said her name as if he wasn't sure if he was right.

"Yep, that's me." Lyra said with a nod before saying, "Also, no feature on Bella. She doesn't want anymore attention then she is already getting." Lyra sent Bella glance, who nodded her head in agreement with Lyra's words.

Eric nodded in understanding while smiling at Lyra, "Got it, no feature for Bella. So what've you girls got first?"

Bella scanned her timetable she was already holding as Lyra answered, "English then Pre-Calc." She looked to Bella, "What about you?"

"Trig then Gym."

Lyra frowned, "Trig is in the opposite direction of where I'm going."

"I can show her." Eric volunteered.

Lyra nodded. "Okay, see ya later, Bella!" She called, already heading down the hallway.

Lyra quickly entered her English class and took her seat beside a gorgeous blonde man. "Hey, Jasper." She greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Lyra." He replied, his tense form relaxing slightly as her strange, unappealing scent entered his nose, masking the human scent of his fellow classmates slightly.

Lyra got her book out of her bag as the teacher entered the classroom, almost immediately launching into teaching the class.


Lyra entered the cafeteria, her piercing blue eyes scanning the crowd as she tried to find Bella. She found the brunette at the table full of some of her slightly less annoying peers. She made her way over to the group and sat down beside Bella as quietly as she could. "Hey, Bella." She greeted.


Jessica turned her gaze toward the copper-haired girl. "Oh, hi... Leah?"

Lyra raised a brow, "It's Lyra and we've been going to school together for twelve years, Jessica. How do you not remember my name?"

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