Chapter 25

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Lyra woke up with that almost familiar feeling of dread pulling in her core. She allowed that feeling to pull her out of the house, her feet moving before she even thought of it. She could barely hear her dads and Eris' audible wonderings of what was wrong. Lyra only grew more worried as she realized that she was being pulled towards the cliffs that her and the wolves went cliff diving on.

She thought her heart stopped when she heard Bella's voice say, "You wanted me to be human. Watch me." Lyra pushed her legs harder, faster at the sound of her friend's voice. A few moments later she heard Bella speak again, as if she was responding to someone, "Lyra's already pushed me away, so that leaves you. And, you won't stay with me any other way." Lyra's heart dropped as she couldn't help but feel as if this was her fault. She loved Bella like a sister, and she knew that the space she had taken to keeping was necessary for her to regain some grounding, but given how codependent Bella was, she couldn't help but feel that she should have known how much it would break Bella, especially after what Edward did to her.

Lyra burst through the trees, stumbling as she saw Bella standing there, looking over the water. "Bella, what the fuck are you doing?!" Lyra screeched at her.

Bella spun around to look at the banshee, brown meeting piercing blue, before whimpering, "He won't stay with me any other way."

It was like time went into slow motion as Bella fell over the edge of the cliff. As soon as she had processed what happened, Lyra moved as fast as she could, but she couldn't reach Bella before the brunette was already falling. So, without thinking, Lyra leapt too, her arms wrapping around Bella as they fell. Lyra cradled Bella's head, pulling it into her shoulder and covering the human's ears as they grew closer to the water before she opened her mouth and let out an ear-piercing scream. The Wail created waves that kept them hovering a couple feet above the water before Lyra ran out of breath and they fell, the lack of momentum making the fall less painful.

The water was cold, so cold it felt like little pins pricking at her body, but that didn't stop her from keeping a tight hold on Bella as she swam up to the surface. They surfaced, taking huge gulps of air before they were pushed back under by a wave and forcing Bella out of Lyra's grasp. Lyra pushed her way towards the surface before she was pushed right back under. Lyra noticed red from the corner of her eye and noticed Victoria swimming towards her, looking like a beautiful siren hunting her prey.

Lyra scrambled, looking for Bella. She spotted the human floating not far behind her, seemingly unconscious, and grabbed her. She pushed her way through the water towards the shore as fast as she could, pure adrenaline making these actions possible.

She surfaced from the water, all but dragging Bella onto the shore as she struggled for air. It only took Lyra a few moments after laying Bella on the beach to notice that the human wasn't breathing, spurring her to begin CPR. It took all that was left in her noodle-feeling arms to perform chest compressions and the little air she'd managed to gather for mouth-to-mouth. "Please, Bella, wake up." Lyra begged before repeating the actions from before. Jacob jogged up to the two girls, calling their names before freezing as he realized what was happening.

Bella began to cough up water. Upon seeing that Bella was breathing again, Lyra fell on her back, breathing heavily from a mixture of exhaustion and relief. "Bella, what the hell were you thinking?" Lyra asked her breathily.

"I just wanted to see him again." Bella replied softly.

It was rage that gave Lyra enough energy to sit up and yell at Bella, "Bella, he left you! He's not coming back and even if he was, I know that he wouldn't want you doing stupid shit like this that could possibly kill you!"

"Well, you left me, too!" Bella snapped, a very confused Jacob now looking between his cousin and his crush, "I shared my soul with you and you left me just like he did!"

Her Voice ✿ Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now