Chapter 42

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"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice scolded Bella early the next morning.

"Sorry." Bella apologized, "Bad dream. It was wedding jitters."

Lyra snickered to herself in the corner with a cup of coffee in her lap before taking a sip.

Alice looked over to her and scowled, "You're no better."

"On the contrary, I don't need sleep so I actually am better." Lyra huffed.

"Just because you don't need sleep, doesn't mean you shouldn't sleep."

Lyra rolled her eyes as Rosalie entered the room and made a beeline for Lyra, pulling her up out of the chair by the arm. "Come on, you're my project for today." She told the banshee.

Lyra obediently followed Rosalie to another bathroom and sat down in a high chair in front of another mirror. This bathroom was covered in more makeup and hair products than Lyra had ever seen in her life. She felt like she could go shopping in Rosalie's collection and never need anything else. Lyra didn't want to think about how much all of this was costing.

"So did you volunteer or were you voluntold?" Lyra asked her jokingly, looking at the makeup on the counter.

Rosalie chuckled, "Volunteered. What? Don't think I want you looking ugly now do you?"

Lyra picked up a bottle of moisturizer, chuckling, "Never. What are you planning on doing to me?"

Rosalie spun her around in the chair and took the bottle out of her hand. She squeezed some of the moisturizer out onto her fingers before she began massaging it into Lyra's face, "Please, I'm not torturing you."

Lyra snorted and smiled before neutralizing her expression to make Rosalie's job easier. They both grew silent, except for Rosalie's occasional instruction for Lyra to turn her head or close her eyes. With Lyra being naturally quite beautiful, she didn't want much makeup. As for her hair, Rosalie sprayed it with water until it was wet enough that she could brush it without poofing up and then added some cream to prevent frizzing. She finished by pulling the sides back and putting them into a small ponytail, leaving Lyra's hair half up and half down with a small silver ribbon tied into a bow around the ponytail.

Finally, Rosalie told Lyra that she was done. When Rosalie spun the chair around to face the mirror, Lyra. had to gasp when she saw her reflection. She looked simple and natural, like herself but the enhanced version. This is what she pictured herself looking like if she were a vampire. Rosalie had made her truly beautiful.

She was overcome with happiness at her appearance that she leapt out of the chair and hugged Rosalie. The girl was stunned for a moment and didn't move but after a few seconds gently hugged back. When Lyra pulled away, there was a bright smile on her face and an amused one on Rosalie's.

Lyra walked out of the room and rejoined Bella and Alice. When she entered, she saw Alice finishing up Bella's hair. "Holy shit!" Lyra exclaimed.

Bella looked up in a moment of panic, "What? Is it bad?"

"No! You look hot!"

Rosalie walked in after her, "You look wonderful, Bella."

"Really?" Bella asked, confused.

Rosalie gave her a small nod. Alice beamed brightly as she scooped Bella, Rosalie, and Lyra into a giant hug, "Weddings! They bring everyone together!"

Lyra grimaced slightly, not liking being forced into a hug like this. She and Rosalie were looking rather uncomfortable in the hug, but both stayed nonetheless. Renee and Charlie called out that they were coming into the room, hoping the girls were decent. When Renee saw her daughter, she was about to burst into tears, "My girl, you look so beautiful! Oh Bella, you look amazing!" Renee really had started crying, "Crap, my mascara."

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