Chapter 20

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Lyra had hoped that her whole 'let's go get tattoos' idea would have been enough to knock Bella back to her senses, but that didn't happen. Somehow, she had found herself helping Bella get a pair of broken down motorcycles into the back of the human's truck and was now on her way to her cousin's house to help the brunette convince him to fix the bikes.

They pulled up in Jacob's driveway and almost as soon as they did so, the boy was jogging around the corner, dropping a mallet as he did so with a grin on his face that made Lyra think that her cousin could easily be mistaken for an over excited puppy. "Bella." He called as the brunette exited the truck, "Where the hell have you been, loca?" He hugs her tightly, spinning her around as she laughs.

Lyra exits the truck, meeting Jacob's eyes over Bella's shoulder and feigns a gag. His eyes narrow at her before his attention is back on Bella. Lyra smirks lightly as she moves around the truck to stand beside Bella, who grabs her hand almost on instinct as she runs her other hand through her hair before gesturing behind her, telling Jacob, "I, uh, we brought you something." Bella releases Lyra's hand as she turns around to lower the door to her truck bed, adding, "It's a little crazy."

Lyra moved and pulled the tarp back. "Ta-da!" She exclaims sarcastically, doing jazz hands over the motorcycles.

"Wow. Scrap metal. You shouldn't have." Jacob replies almost as sarcastically.

"I saved it from the junkyard." Bella explains before clearing her throat awkwardly at the look the pair of cousins were giving her, "I think they'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth. But then I thought that if I had a mechanic friend to help me out, then..."

"Ah, me. Being the mechanic-type friend?"

"That's right."

"Since when are you into motorcycles?" Jacob asked the question that Lyra had been wondering before she had remembered Bella's stupid adrenaline theory for seeing Edward, before adding, "Like, I get Lyra being interested, but you don't really seem like the type."

Lyra nods in agreement as Bella replies, "Since now." Jacob seems to consider Bella's idea for a few moments before she adds, "I get it if you think that this is really stupid and reckless."

"Which it is." Lyra state.

Jacob nods in agreement, "Yeah, I mean, it's completely stupid and reckless." Bella has a disheartened look on her face as her friends agree on the opposite of what she had been hoping until she saw the grins that spread onto their faces before Jacob asks, "When do we start?"

Bella seems to take a few moments to process his response before answering, "Now." She laughs lightly, "Please."

"All right."

Jacob moves the tarp back further and reaches for one of the bikes as Lyra moves for the other. Bella calls to him, "Oh, wait, be careful. Those things are actually really heavy, so..." She trails off as Jacob lifts it out of the truck with relative ease. Lyra pauses herself as she watches Jacob as well, a stunned look on her face before she exchanges a look with Bella. Bella seemed to ask her 'Did you know he could do that?' And Lyra shook her head slightly in response.

Lyra's brows furrowed and she leaned against the truck as she says, "Jacob, you're, like, buff. What happened to my noodle-armed cousin?"

Ignoring the question in Lyra's statement, Bella adds, "Seriously, how did that happen? You're, like, sixteen. I don't get it."

Also ignoring Lyra, Jacob smirks and replies with a chuckle, "Age is just a number, baby. What are you, like, forty now?" Jacob rolls the motorcycle towards his garage, leaving the girls behind.

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