Chapter 4

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"I have a plan." Bella said to Lyra as they leaned against the hood of the red truck before class started.

"For?" Lyra questioned, looking up from the manga that was in her hands.

"Edward," Bella clarified, "I'm going to ask what his problem is."

Lyra raised a brow, "I hate to break it to you, Bells, but asking doesn't always work."

"I'm going to demand it then."

"That's what I'm talking about." Lyra grinned at her friend before her face twisted to one of annoyance as she was hit in the back of the head by a piece of licorice. She shifted her gaze towards Tyler, who threw the licorice and was currently motioning for the girl to join the group. While Bella held up her English book to show she was busy, Lyra merely shook her head with a small glare before turning back to her manga.

"LYRA!" She looked up as she heard her name being called across the parking lot. She looked up to meet Emmett's eyes as he grinned at her and waved wildly from where he was standing up in his Jeep. She laughed at his antics and waved back, making his grin widen. When Rosalie inevitably pulled him down so he was sitting, Lyra could practically hear his pout from where she was standing. She merely shook her head slightly and turned back to her manga, a smile still pulling at her lips.

She felt a jab in her side, making her look up again except this time at the brunette beside her. Bella had a small smirk on her lips and a brow quirked. "I take it that working on that project went well?" Bella asked, teasing the copper-haired girl lightly.

Lyra rolled her eyes before muttering, "I've got to get to class."


The school day went by slowly, and fairly boring if you asked Lyra. By lunchtime, the highlight of her day had been a short conversation with Jasper after they finished reading the next section of their book for English class. Nothing eventful happened during lunch either, just Lyra trying to ignore the feeling of eyes burning into her back and Bella's constant glances at the Cullen/Hale lunch table because of Edward's absence. And although Lyra didn't find it interesting, the rest of the table did as they continuously bickered about whether or not Bella glanced back at the table.

She finally decided to speak to Emmett about his brother's absence for the sake of getting Bella to stop agonizing over it. "Where's your brother?" She asked rather bluntly before adding, "He wasn't in Pre-Calc today."

"Well, Jasper, Rose, and I were teasing him last night and he said he was moving to Alaska. We thought he was joking until we woke up this morning to find out that he actually went to Alaska to stay with some cousins." Emmett explained.

"Wow, he's quite the drama queen to just up and leave because you were teasing him." She stated.

Emmett's boisterous laughter echoed loudly, gaining the pair unwanted attention, "No shit."

"Anyways," Lyra began, "Do you want to come over again after school? We can work on the project some more... or even just hang out if you want."

Emmett grinned, "Yeah, can we watch some more of that show?"

Lyra nodded with a smile just as the bell rang.


As the days went by, things were getting weirder. There were more animal attacks which, she knew, weren't out of the ordinary but were occurring more than usual. And much to Lyra's annoyance, Edward had yet to show up to school that week. Lyra couldn't care less about the guy, but she did care about Bella and she almost seemed obsessed with seeing if he would show up at all throughout the school day.

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