Chapter 34

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"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up." Jessica started her speech from behind the podium. "Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or in my case, a princess." The brunette said, causing the audience to laugh, "When we were ten, they asked again. We answered, rock star, cowboy, or in my case, a gold medalist." The crowd laughed again, making Jessica smile, "But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this? Who the hell knows? This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love, a lot." Lyra and Emmett shared a glance at those words, a sweet smile growing on their faces, "Major in philosophy, because there's no way to make a career out of that." Jessica continued, "Change your mind, and change it again, because nothing is permanent. So, make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask what we wanna be we won't have to guess. We'll know." The crowd erupted into applause and cheers. Lyra smiled brightly as she clapped for Jessica.

After a few moments, the principal walked up to the podium and the front row of students stood up and walked to the stage, ready to get their diploma. It didn't take long for the third row to be up, the one Lyra, Bella, and the Cullens were in.

"Lyra McNamara." The copper-haired girl smiled as she walked across the stage to get her diploma, her heels not even audible as she heard cheers from Mike, Eric, Jessica, and Angela, as well as her dads, Charlie, and the Uley pack. Lyra was surprised to see them but couldn't help but grin bigger at the sight. Once she finished walking across the stage she returned to her seat but remained standing as she cheered for her friends.

It didn't take long to get through the rest of the names seeing as the senior class was not big in the slightest. Once the class officially graduated, everyone rushed out of the hot gym and outside to greet family members and take pictures with their friends and family. Lyra and Bella quickly talked to their friends and took pictures before doing the same with the Cullen family, they were going to see them in a few hours so they didn't make an effort to have an actual conversation before finding their respective parents.

"Lyra, my baby!" Jeremy screeched happily, running to her with open arms not long after Lyra had walked away from the Cullens. Lyra's face burned in embarrassment at how loud her dad was, but she grinned and accepted the hug without hesitating. "I am so, so proud of you, sweetheart." Jeremy gushed as he clung to his daughter, "You are our biggest accomplishment."

"No, I'm not." Lyra disagreed, "I'm sure you've had bigger accomplishments, Dad."

Michael smiled down at her as he joined their hug, "I promise, Lyra, you truly are our pride and joy."

"Papa, stop." Lyra whined, face burning as she buried her head in their shoulders. She pulled away before they began making their way to Charlie and Bella.

"McNamara!" Charlie called out as they approached him and Bella. He had a proud smile on his face as he withdrew his arm from around his daughter so he could hug Lyra, "I'm so proud of ya, kiddo. You and Bella both. Can't wait to see what else the two of you are gonna do."

Lyra simply smiled. She wasn't going to college yet, deciding it would be better to take a year off. "I'll meet you at the car, dads." She said when she saw the pack walking by them. She pulled away from Charlie and walked toward the group.

"I didn't think you guys would show up." Lyra smiled when she approached the pack, minus Jacob. She wished he were there, he was still her cousin after all and despite what had gone down recently, he was still one of her best friends.

"Red, did you really think I would miss your graduation?" Paul asked as he pulled Lyra into a hug.

"I wasn't sure." She admitted, pulling away from Paul, "Especially since there are so many 'bloodsuckers' around here."

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