Chapter 22

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The ride to La Push was tense and filled with the quiet whispers of Lyra on the phone, Jacob only catching little bits of the conversation through surges of enhanced hearing. Lyra was informing Sam of the situation so he would be on his way when she got there. She also explained things swiftly to her Papa in hope that Michael would come help to.

When they reached Jacob's house, the boy immediately jumped out of her car before she could even fully put it in park. She quickly followed, calling as she hurried after him, "Jake!" She noticed how much he was shaking and froze.

The front door creaked open. "Jacob, is that you?" Billy called out curiously as he wheeled himself out onto the porch. When the older man saw his son, he immediately said, "Lyra, get back and call Sam."

"I already did." She explained as she slowly backed away from her cousin, "Sam and the others will be here soon. Papa, too."

"Sam?!" Jacob roared, "Why the hell would you call Sam Uley and his cult?!" If he'd been shaking out of anger before, he was nearly convulsing from it now.

Lyra scowled and took a step forward, frustration clouding her judgement. "I'm just trying to help, Jacob!" She snapped.

"I don't want your help!" Jacob shouted in her face, "I don't-" His words were cut short as a cry of agony spilled from his throat and Lyra watched in horror as Jacob's back arched painfully, his arms and legs snapping; until suddenly, he was replaced with a large blur of russet brown fur. Without thinking, Lyra's hands swung out in front of her, eyes glowing red as she used her telekinesis, barely stopping him from clawing her across her chest. She released him back on the ground and he immediately took off for the woods, her following right behind him in a blur of red.

She chased him through the woods, Jacob moving surprisingly fast for his first time phasing. Lyra leapt from the ground, tackling her cousin to the ground and rolling into a clearing, where the rest of the pack found them. She was able to keep her hold on the wolf, despite his desperate attempts to try and get her off of him. "Jake, calm down." Lyra told him as he continued to push her away, "It's me! It's me." Jacob's thrashing slowed as he met her eyes, realizing that it was his cousin holding onto him, "I know things are scary but I promise everything will be okay." Jacob calmed down further as Lyra gently petted his muzzle before moving away from him altogether after Sam nudged her back.


"I really don't think this is a good idea." Lyra expressed as she pulled her jacket tighter around her frame, climbing over a fallen log in the woods as she followed behind her friend, a dark foreboding feeling filling her core. Bella had been down in the dumps for the past week, ever since she'd finally seen Jacob when she went out to his house and he told her off.

Lyra wasn't too happy about it, knowing Bella was hurt, but she understood why Jacob had to do it. However, she couldn't tell Bella that; as part of the pack, it was her job to protect their secret, even though she wasn't affected by Sam's alpha command.

"You didn't have to come with me." Bella pointed out as she swiped a branch out of her face, causing it to rebound and smack Lyra in the face. Lyra grimaced before swiping it so hard it broke off all together.

"Yeah, but the last time you were in the woods, you got lost and passed out." Lyra responded, her voice tinted with concern, ignoring what just happened, "I didn't want you to come here alone."

Bella glanced at her, hurt visible in her eyes, and then turned away again. "Last time was different." She explained quietly.

"I know." Lyra told her softly, and they walked in silence for a couple minutes, "Where is this place again?"

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