Chapter 37

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"So, not long after having an extremely awkward conversation with your father about how you are a virgin, you're telling me you want to make yourself not a virgin?" Lyra questioned as she helped Bella pack her bag.

"Yeah." Bella agreed, "I really want to experience it while I'm still human and, I mean, I could die tomorrow. And, I mean, you and Emmett have, so it can't be—"

"Let me stop you right there, Bells." Lyra cut her off, "We are in very different relationships. Actually, I think the only thing our relationships have in common is that we are both dating vampires who share the last name Cullen." Bella opened her mouth to protest, but Lyra continued, "Additionally, I'm nearly invincible and you're pretty fragile so it could be dangerous."

"I'm not as fragile as you think." Bella countered.

"Bella, you literally have bruises that you don't even know where they came from." Lyra then added, "Also, neither Emmett nor I were virgins going into it. I know for a fact that Edward is and the first time is awkward but also it's a lot harder to keep self control. I just don't want you getting hurt, Bells, especially this close to the battle."

"I'll be fine." Bella assured.

Lyra heard a car pull up into the driveway. "He's here." She told Bella, "Just, good luck, I guess."

Bella laughed lightly, "Thanks." Bella hugged Lyra before nearly running out of the room with her bag in hand.

Who knew Bella was so horny, Lyra thought to herself not long after the car drove away.


Lyra really wasn't one to judge Bella for her reasons. She got it. With the additional factor of her dads being at the rez in preparation for the battle, Lyra found Emmett's mere presence calling to her. Her eyes continuously shifted between the anime they were watching and the side of Emmett's face. She couldn't take it anymore and flashed up the stairs to her room, knowing Emmett would follow.

Lyra needed to hold him and treat the night like it was the last night of the world. Tomorrow was unpredictable, but tonight was guaranteed. She wrapped her arms around Emmett, burying her hands in his dark hair as he slowly encircled his arms around her waist. Emmett pulled her close, knowing exactly what she wanted to do.

Emmett slowly stepped them back towards the bed and fell forward onto it, pinning Lyra down to the mattress with his body as he claimed her lips with his own. She tugged at his hair gently. Each touch of his fingers embedded themselves into her memory as she took in his scent, his coolness, his kiss over her skin. She barely felt him slowly ease her legs apart and kneel between them as his tongue danced with hers.

However, ever the bold one, Lyra wrapped her arms and legs around Emmett before rolling them over to where she straddled his hips. As he looked up at her in awe, she smirked down at him lovingly, "You've worked so hard, sweetie... let me reward you..." Emmett gulped slightly, taking in this new turn of events, before she leaned in and kissed him ever so sweetly, brushing her hands over his chest and feeling his cool skin beneath her fingers.

As he quaked beneath her, she felt a rush of pride run through her. She liked this a lot. She would explore it further, undressing them as fast as possible and grinding herself against him. His hands, not bound anywhere, caressed over the skin available to him as his eyes became lost in her form.

It slowly became unbearable to deny herself of her need for him, she allowed herself to move with him, creating friction and pleasure as they gripped to each other and let their moans become lost in each other's mouths and shoulders. Emmett's hands combed over her back as she dragged her nails along his chest. Part of her wished she could see marks appear as she dug her nails in, but as Emmett's hands locked themselves onto her hips and began to guide their rhythm, she became lost in the pleasure within her instead.

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