Chapter 58

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Lyra smirked slightly as she spent the first half of her wedding morning pissing Alice off. She took joy in it simply because she had to spend the past few months trying to prevent Alice from making her wedding as extravagant as Bella's and that was no easy task. Lyra had to make sure Alice kept to the theme even though Alice didn't care much for it. Lyra and Emmett had decided not long after they had gotten engaged that they wanted their wedding to have a Renaissance festival, sort of fantasy vibe (mostly because of Lyra's love for fun sleeves and wanting to see lots of them), while still keeping it quite simple. Alice wanted it to be more like Bella's, but in the end agreed to the couple's wishes.

Now Lyra was in the shower washing her curly locks as Alice nagged her from the other side of the bathroom door. "I just can't believe it's the morning of your wedding day and you'd rather spend it reading manga than helping me choose a good hairstyle for your big moment." Alice was complaining as Lyra finally got out of the shower and got dressed in a blue t-shirt and some black jeans, her old combat boots and a leather jacket.

"Alice, we both know you wouldn't agree with my choice of hairstyle." Lyra said with an amused smile as she exited the bathroom.

The pixie-like vampire threw her hands up in the air. "Of course I wouldn't!" She exclaimed, "What kind of person would I be if I let you just leave your hair down for your wedding day. It would throw off the whole look. I mean, honestly, Lyra."

Lyra laughed, "Well, it's good I have you to guide me through this whole wedding thing, isn't it?"

Alice pointed at her. "Okay, I'm well aware that it was sarcasm, but it's true." She bounced on her heels and walked toward the door, "Let's get going."


Hours later, Lyra sat in front of Rosalie's vanity with her hair down in loose curls, flowing down her back. The sides were pulled back and out of her face and pinned in a small rose-shaped bun. When Lyra had finally been allowed to see herself, she smiled brightly. Her makeup was simple, allowing her natural beauty to shine through and her hair was pinned out of her face. She glanced towards Bella, who sat in the chair to her left. Her hair had been sculpted into soft, bouncy curls by Alice as Rosalie worked on Lyra's hair. Bella had wanted to leave her hair natural, which Lyra had been fine with, but Alice disagreed.

"Are you ready?" Jeremy asked excitedly as he practically danced into the room with Michael at his side. He stopped when he saw Lyra's appearance, and happy tears filled his eyes. "Lyra, you look so gorgeous..."

He laughed slightly, wiping away the tears brimming his eyes as Michael looked at Rosalie and Alice, "I can't believe you talked her into hair and makeup."

"What can we say?" Alice said proudly, "We can be very persuasive when we want to be."

"Meaning," Rosalie said in amusement, "Alice would have pinned Lyra down if she tried to resist." They all laughed at this comment.

"Anyway, Lyra— I have something for you." Jeremy smiled softly as she pulled a small box out of her handbag and gave it to Lyra. The bride-to-be opened it up to reveal a delicate silver chain, attached to a small moon made of sapphires. "It's sort of two things at once." Her dad explained, "Something blue, because of the jewels. And something old, because it belonged to your great-grandmother."

Lyra ran her fingers gently over the jewels. She would cherish this gift for the rest of eternity. "I love it so much." Lyra admitted, "And I would hug you if I could, but I think Alice would have my head if I messed up Rose's hairdo." They laughed together, emotions heavy in the air.

"You'll have something new, too, of course— Eris said she had something." Michael said, moving on with a smile, "But I don't think you need something borrowed... that's supposed to symbolize borrowed happiness, but you already have so much of your own with Emmett."

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