Chapter 47

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Rosalie looked at Edward and Lyra, who both nodded, signaling her to start the procedure. Lyra wanted to avert her eyes, she really did but she couldn't. She watched as Rosalie cut a long, thin line along the lower part of Bella's abdomen. Bella's screams were loud and echoed off the walls of the room. She never felt more helpless than she did in that moment. Blood immediately started pouring out of her best friend and there was nothing Lyra could do about it.

Rosalie pulled her hand away and a hungry look overcame her face when she smelled all of the blood. Jacob reacted quicker than anyone else. He leapt across the operating table and tackled Rosalie to the ground, the scalpel flying across the floor. "Rosalie, don't!" He shouted.

"Alice, get her out of here." Edward told the girl. Alice hauled Rosalie out of the room by her neck to a different part of the house where she could no longer smell the blood.

Edward leaned over Bella trying to get the thing out. "Save her, you've got to change her." Jacob told the vampire.

Edward shook his head, "I can't, not whilst he's still in there."

Lyra watched with a panicked look on her face. She wanted to help but she didn't know how. "Stay, Bella. Stay focused, keep your heart beating." Jacob encouraged.

Edward pulled back the cut skin and muscle and reached for the embryonic sack. Lyra held Bella's hand as she screamed. If she had been human, Bella would have crushed her hand under the pressure. While Edward worked, Lyra tried to soothe Bella's pain. She reached her free hand up and wiped away the sweat from her brow. Bella was burning up. She kept passing in and out of consciousness.

"Edward?" Lyra asked urgently.

He grunted, "Almost got him."

Lyra looked across the table at Jacob, who was mirroring her look of concern. She turned her attention back to Bella, who was once again coming back to consciousness. "Bella," she said, "Hang on, we're almost there. You're almost done, just hold on!"

She was just short of begging Bella to just stay alive. There was so much blood everywhere and it covered everyone. The sound of tearing skin once again sounded in the room and Lyra winced. She kept her gaze focused on Bella. Just then, she heard the scream of a baby and Edward let out a little chuckle. She turned her head to see him smiling down at a little person with the biggest smile that she had ever seen on his face.

Jacob, Lyra, and Bella all paused to look at the newcomer. It was covered in blood but squirming around with a strong pair of lungs. Flinching away from the bright lights, it wailed in its father's arms. Lyra studied the vampire-hybrid with fascination more than anything else. Lyra didn't really know what she was expecting but the child looking human had caught her off guard.

"Hey, hey, hey," Edward whispered before looking up and announcing, "It's Renesmee."

Bella sighed, "You're beautiful."

Lyra moved out of the way to give the new family some space. Edward walked over and handed the child to Bella, who took her weakly, but gladly. She stared down at her daughter with a soft smile on her face. The moment was short lived because Bella winced and Edward took Renesmee from her hands so she didn't strain herself.

Lyra watched Bella carefully and saw that with one last smile at her daughter, Bella stopped breathing. Lyra felt as if she had an icy dagger plunged into her heart. She felt like she couldn't breathe. A feeling of dread filled her. Lyra ran back to Bella's side and shook her shoulder gently, "Bella?"

There was no movement.

The boys in the room realized what had happened and Jacob immediately started to panic. He cried out her name louder and louder, sounding more desperate each time he did. He began to administer CPR in the hopes of reviving her.

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