Chapter 55

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"We gotta breakout, kitten!"

"Em, calm yourself—"

"We gotta breakout!"

"Em, we have been in here for two fucking minutes. Chill your tits, we're fine."

"We gotta breakout!"

"Emmett Cullen, calm down!"

Lyra was regretting her life decisions. For her birthday, she decided to do an escape room, but she had no idea Emmett would lose his shit the second they got in there. It didn't help that the rest of their group, consisting of Seth, Eris, Elliot, Jacob, and Bella, were to busy laughing their asses off at her attempts to calm Emmett down to actually help in escaping.

After yelling at Emmett, he seemed to calm down enough for Lyra to turn to the group, saying, "Alright, guys, we need oranges, where are the oranges?" She was hit in the head by an orange, "Ow! Jake, you didn't have to throw it at my head!"

"I didn't mean too!" He responded.

Lyra was hit in the head again by another orange, "Ow! Then what hit me in the head?!"

"I don't know!"

"Why do you do this every time we go out?!"

"I can not take you guys anywhere." Bella told them.

Lyra huffed and moved on with Emmett to work on some other things, shuffling through some other clues as Bella took the oranges and began putting in their spots. Upon the oranges being placed properly, a drawer opened up, revealing a clue that Seth picked up, telling him to look at the clock. A few moments later, Lyra turned to see what he was doing, commenting with an incredulous look on her face, "Seth, you are doing this all wrong. That is not how you read a clock..."

"Well it said face clock, I'm just giving it a frown face."

"What does that even mean?" Lyra questioned.

"You gotta give it a mustache, the long hand down one side, the short hand down the other." Seth explained.

"Like a- like a- like a pie." Eris added.

"What?!" Lyra exclaimed.

"And when you read it, it says like 23." Eris continued.

"This is like for old people." Seth muttered, causing Emmett to pout.

"Well, I guess, me, the 'old person', will do this puzzle." Emmett said bitterly, "Give me the clue." Seth hand Emmett clue and he set to working on the clock puzzle.

Barely a moment past before Lyra heard Elliot cry, "I believe I can fly!"

There was a loud clunk from the second room, causing her to rush over in shock, "Oh my god, are you okay?"

"I believe you can die..." Seth joked.

"Medic!" Bella called.

"Clue?" Jacob questioned.

"They lied, they said nothing was in the clouds, but Ellie was in the clouds!" Lyra exclaimed.

"I could touch them with my finger tips!" Elliot sighed, "They look like cotton candy."

"It's not cotton candy." Bella told them incredulously.

"Anyways!" Lyra exclaimed, causing the others to join her in the first room, "We need to find the murder weapon, it's been awhile since I've played Clue—"

"We found a rope!" Seth exclaimed excitedly.

"A rope... revolver—" Bella began listing.

"There's a dagger..." Jacob noted.

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