Chapter 54

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"Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks." Edward states, "Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their moves."

"And Lyra will no doubt be next on their list." Emmett said, his hand resting on her knee, "They are going to look for a way to stop her from using her Wail due to how debilitating it is."

Garrett looked at Bella, "Too bad we don't all have your shield."

"Doesn't help me fight, though." She retorted.

"No," Tanya agreed, "But you could help the rest of us, if you could project it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean shield someone other than yourself."

"Is that possible?"

Carlisle nodded, "Gifts can be developed. Over time."

"At first, mine was just in my palms." Kate said, raising her hand as an example, "Now I can radiate it all over my body."

"How do you do it?" Bella grabbed Kate's hand, a little too hard, "Tell me."

Kate glanced down at her hand before looking at Bella, "Ow."

"This is something you guys should take outside." Esme said, "I don't want another broken vase or table or window in this house." She sent a pointed look towards Lyra, who snickered to herself.

Emmett seemed the most excited to see what Bella could do. He led the way outside, standing in the forest opening with Lyra and Garrett next to him. Edward and Kate stood next to each other as they faced Bella.

"You need to visualize it." Kate instructed, "See how it moves. What color it is. Now picture it expanding. Will it to go beyond you."

Bella stares ahead of her intensely for a few moments before letting out a harsh breath as she releases the effort. She had it for a moment but it didn't travel very far.

Kate looked at Edward, "I think she needs something to motivate her."

Edward took a hesitant step forward, much to Bella's dismay. "It's alright, I can take it." He reassured his wife.

"He says that now." Garrett muttered to Emmett and Lyra.

Emmett had his usual smirk on his face, "Focus, Bella, or he's gonna be hurting."

Edward put his hand up, ready to touch Kate's hand.

"Edward, I'm not ready to do this yet." Bella said quickly, but Kate still touched Edward's as hand, sending a painful electric shock through him, which earned a laugh from Lyra and Emmett.

"I'm sorry." Bella apologized, "I said that I wasn't ready."

"Dude, you're not motivating her." Emmett feigned a harsh tone.

"You want to try?" Edward snapped at Emmett, causing him to put his hands up in surrender and back off while Lyra laughed at her boyfriend's reaction.

Bella tried again to project her shield and Kate touched Edward, sending another electric shock through his body and making him scream in pain.

Lyra cackled joyfully and clapped her hands as she bounced on the balls of her feet at Edward's pain. Edward snapped his head towards Lyra and glared harshly, "You're taking way too much joy in my pain, Lyra." He said harshly after Kate stopped shocking him.

"Oh, Eddie." She began with a smile, "It's not my fault that your pain brings me joy."

"You're just as annoying as ever, Lyra."

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