Chapter 30

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Lyra stood silently with the Cullens in the middle of a clearing, listening carefully for Victoria. "Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asked Alice.

Jasper stepped towards Alice as she responded, "She's almost here." Lyra glanced up at Emmett, who linked his pinky with hers for a moment before looking back out at the forest. Silence was all that could be heard in the forest until suddenly Alice called, "On your left!"

Immediately, everyone took off running to the left. Lyra, being the fastest out of all of them, got closest to Victoria, grabbing the vampire's shoulder only to be flipped over and sent flying into a nearby tree. She grunted on impact but was quickly helped to her feet by Emmett. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine." She responded before taking off running again.

They ran after her before sliding to a stop as Victoria jumped across a small ravine, Carlisle commanding, "Wait. She's in their territory."

Lyra looked at Emmett and told him, "Throw me across." He gave her a confused look but listened anyways, picking her up and throwing her across the ravine. She slid slightly onto her knee but quickly picked herself up and chased after Victoria with the Cullens following her from the other side of the ravine.

"She'll get away!" Esme exclaimed.

The growling and barking of wolves behind Lyra was enough for Jasper to yell, "No, she won't!"

Jared and Paul were growling and snapping at Victoria as they ran, the latter nearly taking a bite out of her before she jumped across the ravine again. Lyra huffed in frustration, thinking quickly on how to get herself across the ravine again. She noticed a small boulder nearby and floated it over to her with her telekinesis, stepping on it and floating herself over across the ravine as quickly as she could without falling. She jumped off and began to run again.

Jasper was the closest to Victoria at the moment, and as she jumped from tree to tree he did too, nearly catching her but just barely missing. Emmett was quickly following after Victoria with Lyra not far behind him and, as Victoria jumped across the ravine once more, Lyra saw everything that was about to happen. "Emmett, no!" She shouted, but he didn't listen. Her hand reached out to grab his hoodie, fingers barely grazing the fabric before he jumped after Victoria only to be intercepted by Paul. Emmett fell into the water and the pair growled at each other violently. Victoria looked back at them, meeting Lyra's eyes for a moment and smirking at the clearly conflicted look in her eyes. Lyra narrowed her eyes into a glare at Victoria, who blew her a mocking kiss and took off without any further trouble.

Lyra looked back at Paul and Emmett, who were still growling at one another, and sighed. She carefully slid down her side of the ravine, making her way to stand beside Emmett. She gently wrapped one arm behind his back to grasp his left arm while holding onto his right with her other hand and said, "Cut it out, you two, we have more important things to deal with than this petty rivalry." Paul merely barked at her in protest, but she merely rolled her eyes and responded, "Don't give me that. It's because of this stupid rivalry that Victoria got away." Paul opened his mouth to bark in protest again but Lyra cut him off telling him, "Paul, go report to Sam on what happened." Paul barked quietly before turning around and leaving with Jared not far behind. Lyra turned to Emmett, saying, "Come on, let's go." She pulled at his arms slightly before he picked her up and leapt out of the ravine to make his way back to the Cullen house with Lyra.


"So, have you told Bella what happened yet?" Lyra asked Edward as she sat in the back of Edward's Volvo, waiting for Bella to join them for the ride to school.

Edward looked back at her and then huffed, "No."

"Why not?" She demanded, "She deserves to know, Edward. If she finds out you kept this from her, you know she'll be angry."

Her Voice ✿ Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now