Chapter 56

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"If I hear All I Want For Christmas Is You one more time, I might put my head through this table." Lyra stated as the Mariah Carey song played on the radio for the tenth time in the last two hours. "Finish your dinner, Mei." She said, watching Renesmee sing along and slowly try to creep towards the presents under the tree.

Unlike Lyra, Renesmee loved the song, she sang it every time it came on. And as much as she loved the little girl, the singing only made it worse. Surely there were more popular Christmas songs.

"This is payback for all the times you sang What's This from The Nightmare Before Christmas." Michael told Lyra, a grin on his face.

"And made me do backup vocals." Jeremy added.

"Is that your way of saying we should recreate that for Mei?" Lyra teased her dads with a raised brow, "I'm sure she would love to see that."

"I would most definitely love to see that." Seth chimed in with a mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"You really don't." Michael replied, "Jeremy is a terrible singer."

"It's called being dramatic." Jeremy shot back at his husband, "You should know, you're the biggest drama queen of us all."

"Takes one to know one, dear."

"He got you there, Dad." Lyra said, smiling at her dad's eye roll, "You were the biggest drama queen until Jake."

"I would've thought Edward was the biggest drama queen." Emmett said, smirking at Edward as he rolled his eyes. His smirk changed to a grin as Lyra snorted with laughter at his statement, nodding in agreement.

Bella got up and took her plate to the kitchen, looking outside. She froze when she saw the snow outside, which didn't go unnoticed by anyone at the table.

"Okay," Lyra said to bring the attention to herself, "Why don't you help clean the table and then you can open presents?"

"You don't have to tell me twice." Renesmee said, hopping from her chair and taking her empty plate to the kitchen sink.

"The snow is sticking." Bella whispered as Edward walked up behind her.

"Hey, we still have today."

Bella smiled at Charlie and Sue as they cleaned the table with Renesmee, "I'm so glad Charlie found somebody to take care of him."

"Bella," Lyra said in a warning tone, making Bella cringe, "Stop talking like we're all dying tomorrow."

"How do you know that we aren't?" Bella shot back at her friend.

The banshee crossed her arms, earning an 'uh-oh' from Renesmee as she left the table and hurried into the living room, pulling Jacob with her, "Aunt Lyra isn't happy."

"Maybe we should follow the girls, Edward." Emmett told his brother, giving his fiancée and sister-in-law as much privacy as possible.

Eris sent Seth a worried look, earning a small shake of a head in reply before he grabbed his partner's hand and pulled them towards the vampires.

"I don't know what's going to happen." Lyra told the brunette, "We could all die, who knows? However, I'm not going to spend my last possible day worrying about what is going to happen. I'd rather enjoy it with my family. I don't want my dads or Renesmee to look back on this day and remember how stressed we look when we could just focus on the now."


"Bella, we just have to make sure that it stays as civil as possible."

"Meaning that we need to let Carlisle do all the talking."

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