Chapter 51

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Esme and Carlisle laughed lightly at the joking way Lyra and Emmett bickered, her making fun of him for trying to show off and almost losing a wrestling match with a mountain lion while he pouted and told her that she was mean. They both ignored the sickeningly cute way Alice and Jasper jumped from the tree and shared a short kiss. Lyra strutted ahead of Emmett with a smirk on her face until he grabbed the back pocket of her jeans and pulled her back, spinning her to face him. She rolled her eyes jokingly and pressed a short kiss to his lips that left him in a daze so she could keep walking. Breaking out of his daze, Emmett called, "That's just unfair." Lyra chortled and stuck her tongue out at him before following Jasper inside the house.

Lyra skipped past Alice to wrap her arms around Bella's neck in a hug as she chirped, "Happy Birthday!"

As Bella pulled back and Lyra shifted to stand behind her, cheek pressing against the side of Bella's head and arms laying limply over Bella's shoulders in a slight hug still, Bella reminds her, "I stopped aging three days ago."

"Well, we're celebrating anyways." Alice tells her, "So suck it up." Alice hands Bella a key, which Bella takes as Lyra presses a kiss to her cheek and puts two hands over her eyes, leading her out of the house with Edward at their side.

As they made their way through the forest, Bella tells her, "I still hate surprises. That hasn't changed."

"You'll love this one." Lyra promises. When they arrive at the destination, Lyra uncovers Bella's eyes and grins, "Welcome home!" Bella looks at the house with wide eyes before turning to look at Lyra with a bright smile, "We thought you guys might like a place of your own."

"What do you think?" Edward asks.

"I think it's perfect." Bella replies before hugging Lyra in thanks.

Lyra pulls away from the hug and gives Bella a small push towards the door, "Go inside." She smiles as Bella and Edward make their way towards the door before smirking and exclaims, "Have fun!" Bella turns back briefly to glare at her, causing Lyra to laugh and flash back to the Cullen house.


"Did you hear the two of them all night?" Alice asked as she sat down beside Lyra in the dining room.

Lyra laughed as she stopped drawing small patterns on Emmett's palm and just interlacing her fingers with his. She used her free hand to run it down her neck, "Oh, Edward..." She mocked Bella's moans, causing Jacob, Alice, and Emmett to laugh.

"I'm surprised the walls didn't fall down with all the noise." Emmett quips, causing them to laugh again.

Lyra quickly feigns a serious expression as she adds, "Hey, Em, remember when they mentioned that they thought they were worse than us?"

Emmett nods, "It was extremely rude. No one is worse than us, it's physically not possible."

"Literally." Alice agrees, grimacing as she remembers all of the times she's had to come up with an excuse to get the rest of them out of the house after having a vision about Lyra and Emmett. This causes Lyra and Emmett to laugh, which only grows as Jacob cringes, realizing what they are referring to. Meanwhile, Carlisle, who had been working on his laptop, shakes his head at their antics.

Not long after Alice leaves the room, Bella and Edward enter. Emmett and Lyra share mischievous smirks before the former comments, "Wow. Done already?"

Lyra snorts as Bella and Edward share awkward looks. Bella asks, "Where's Renesmee?"

"Blondie stole her." Jacob replies, turning to look out the window, where Rosalie was playing with Renesmee as Elliot looked on with a soft smile on their face.

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