Chapter 10

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"No, Emmett, I am not skipping school just because you're bored." Lyra told her boyfriend over the phone as she pulled into the school parking lot.

"Please, kitten, it'll be fun."

Lyra rolled her eyes, grabbing her backpack as she got out of her newly fixed car and responding, "I'm sure it will but I can't afford to skip school the way you can. I don't know if you remember but I haven't been through high school a hundred times like you have."

"I can ask Jasper to tutor you if you're so worried. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Emmett offers.

"I really wouldn't!" Jasper calls from where he sat across from Emmett.

Lyra laughed lightly, walking towards Bella and Jessica as she replied, "That's very kind of you, Jasper, but I'm already at school. There's no point in leaving even if I wanted to."

"You're no fun, kitten." Emmett grumbled and Lyra could almost feel his pout through the phone.

As she smiled, she noticed the strange yet curious looks Bella and Jessica were giving her. Lyra merely held up a finger, gesturing for them to wait a moment, before she smirks and asks, "Jasper, is Emmett pouting because I don't want to play with him?"

Jasper smirks as well and replies, "Yup."

"Am not!" Emmett exclaims, causing his brother and girlfriend to laugh.

"Look, I have to go, Emmett. I'll see you later, okay?" Lyra tells him.


"Okay. Bye." Lyra hangs up the phone before turning to Bella and Jessica with an amused shake of her head.

"Emmett?" Bella asks, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah." Lyra says through a sigh, "He was trying to convince me to go camping with him and his family.

"What? Today?"

Jessica spoke up, "Yeah. Whenever the weather gets nice, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank 'em out for like, hiking and camping and stuff." Jessica let out a small annoyed huff, "I tried with my parents... Not even close."

Lyra chuckled lightly before stumbling back as Angela suddenly flung herself at the banshee. Lyra instinctively hugs the girl back, wondering what brought on this spontaneous sign of affection. "I'm going to prom with Eric!" Angela gushed as she pulled away and gave Bella a hug as well, "I just asked him, I took control!" She grinned happily, then her expression softly as she looked between her friends, "Are you sure you guys aren't going? I mean, you have a boyfriend, Lyra, you should go."

"Oh, I'm going!" Lyra told her, "I talked to Emmett about it and he's all for it. Alice already started making my dress."

"Alice is making your dress?"

"She really wanted to." Lyra shrugged.

Angela nods before turning to Bella and asking, "What about you, Bella?"

"Positive." The brunette states, "But, I'm really happy for your Ang. You guys are gonna have a great night."

"Oh my God, we have to hit the stores in Port Angeles before the dresses get cleaned out." Jessica spoke up suddenly, looking over at them.

"Port Angeles?" Bella echoed, sharing a look with Lyra. The banshee wasn't sure what was going on inside her friend's mind, but Bella clearly had an interest in going to Port Angeles and Lyra could help but wonder why, "Can Lyra and I go with you."

"Um, yes! Thank God." Angela said, "We need your opinions."

"Yeah." Jessica agreed as she nodded her head.

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