Chapter 9

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Lyra pulled up to La Push beach, parking a familiar silver Volvo beside a large van. A smirk graced her lips as she noticed the surprised looks her friends were giving her. She stepped out of the Volvo, immediately making her way towards Bella.

"It's too cold to be out here." She complained as she leaned against the van, pulling her jacket tighter around her, watching as Jessica, Mike, and Eric finished getting into their suits.

"You didn't have to come." Bella told her as she mimicked the copper-haired girl's actions.

"No, I wanted to come. I just didn't realize how cold it would be." Lyra explains.

Angela scoots closer to the friends. "I keep thinking that Eric's going to ask me to prom, then he just... doesn't." She told them as she looked down at her camera, fiddling with it in slight embarrassment at the topic.

"You could ask him." Lyra suggested, "That's probably what I'm going to do with Emmett."

"You're a strong independent woman." Bella added.

"I am?" Angela asked them, uncertainly.

Lyra throws an arm around her shoulders, "Of course! You just need to believe in yourself more."

Angela smiled, "Thanks, Lyra. I wish I had your level of confidence."

Lyra shook her head slightly, "If you had my level of confidence, then you wouldn't be Angela anymore, you would be another Lyra-"

"And, Lord knows, the world can't take two of you."

Lyra looked towards the source of the voice and sighed, "Shut up, Jacob."

The boy in question smirked, "Not gonna happen."

Lyra rolled her eyes, removing her arm from around Angela's shoulder to cross them over her chest. "Guys, this is Jacob." Bella introduced him to the group before looking at him, "Are you stalking me now?"

Jacob laughed, "You're on my Rez, remember? Are you surfing?"

Lyra snorted at the idea as Bella replied instantly, "Definitely not."

"You guys should keep her company, her date bailed." Jessica teased Bella.

"What date?" Eric asked.

"She invited Edward."

"I was being polite." Bella defended herself, slightly embarrassed, before shaking the emotion away and turning to Lyra, "Speaking of Edward, how on earth did you convince him to let you borrow his car?"

Lyra smirked, "I can be quite... persuasive."

Jacob snorts before clarifying, "Meaning: she annoyed him until he gave her his car keys."

Lyra moved her hand towards him in a shushing motion, "Shush, we don't talk about that."

"You two seem to know each other pretty well." Mike observed.

"We're cousins." They stated in unison before glaring at each other.

"I think it's nice that Bella invited him." Angela expressed, bringing them back to the previous topic, "No one ever does."

"Because Cullen's a freak." Mike said with a scoff, earning himself a glare from Lyra. Edward was not her favorite Cullen by any means, but she didn't like it when people spoke badly about any member of the family.

"You got that right." One of the guys beside Jacob stated.

"You know them?" Bella asked.

"The Cullen's don't come here." He said sharply, causing Lyra to roll her eyes slightly.

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