Chapter 36

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Emmett skipped up the steps to the McNamara house and knocked on the door, excited as ever to see his girlfriend. So, when it was Jeremy who opened the door, Emmett's demeanor dropped ever so slightly. "She's not home right now." Jeremy told him when he saw the way Emmett inhaled deeply in an attempt to catch Lyra's scent, "She's out with Michael."

"I see." Emmett replies, his shoulders slumping slightly.

Jeremy let out a small huff of amusement, shaking his head slightly before smiling at the vampire, "Why don't you come in for a bit? I'd like to talk to you."

"Um... Okay." Emmett agreed, slightly nervous, following Jeremy inside.

Once they were seated across from each other, Emmett on the couch while Jeremy sat in Michael's favorite chair, the human asked, "How much has Lyra told you about her past?"

Emmett's brows furrowed as he thought about it. He frowned slightly as he realized that although they had been dating for a little over a year now that he didn't know that much. She knew about his past and how he was turned, but he knew barely anything about her outside of the fact that she was in a car accident when she was younger and that she and Elliot grew up together. "Not much." He admitted.

"That's to be expected. Lyra very much is someone who lives in the present and thinks the past if fairly irrelevant." Jeremy explained, "However, I think you should know about her."

Emmett looked at Jeremy apprehensively, "Shouldn't she be the one to tell me about her past? It's her story."

"It's really more my story than hers." Upon seeing Emmett's confused expression, Jeremy added, "I'm going to tell you about how Lyra came to be."


Jeremy leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs as he began, "I didn't know I was gay for the longest time, and to be fair, being gay wasn't something that was commonly talked about as I grew up. That's why I had a girlfriend. She was wonderful and I thought I loved her, but something always felt off in that relationship. I was going to break up with her before she told me she was pregnant. I pushed away any thoughts of the relationship feeling wrong after that, I was ecstatic about being a father despite the fact that I was just getting out of college. She never felt the same way, she seemed to be upset every time I mentioned the baby. When Lyra was born, she handed me the baby and told me to pick a name and that she never wanted to see the baby again. Once she was cleared to leave the hospital, she left Forks and left me with this beautiful baby girl that I had no idea how to take care of."

Emmett observed Jeremy's expression, noting that he didn't seem to feel any ill will to his ex. He also noticed how he could see that Lyra was related by blood to him, they had the same icy blue eyes and loose curls. The main difference being the hair color, her hair being a bright copper and Jeremy's being a dark brown.

Emmett was broken from his thoughts as Jeremy continued, "It was quite the learning curve to balance taking care of Lyra and work but it became easier when I met Michael. I bumped into him at down at the rez when I took Lyra to the beach and it was like the world shifted. He was a little weird at first as he stared at me like I put the stars in the sky but we clicked almost immediately. We started off friends and he took care of Lyra when I couldn't. Feelings grew from there and the next thing I knew I we married. Michael's been a rock for me since the beginning, even if the whole him imprinting on me and being a werewolf was a lot to take in at first." Emmett let out a small 'awww' after the last statement. He actually felt really happy that Jeremy had found such a happy life.

Emmett's attention was stolen by the sound of the front door opening, "Honey, we're home!" Michael called jokingly as he and Lyra rounded the corner with many grocery bags in hand. Lyra grinned upon seeing Emmett, flashing around the kitchen to put all of her groceries away before appeared in Emmett's lap, arms around his neck and a soft kiss being pressed to the corner of his lips that caused him to smile as his arms wrapped around her waist. Michael rolled his eyes at how excited his daughter was as he set his groceries down in the kitchen and moved to his husband, pressing a kiss to his cheek in greeting.

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