6 | Surrounded

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High up in the sky, an angel flew around, singing a happy tune. His white chiton, Greek robe, swayed in the wind. His brown locks danced around his face from the wind blowing through his hair. He held a determined look, his eyebrows were furrowed but his eyes glowed with delight at the possibility of finding this mysterious person who fell from the sky.

His eyes stayed glued to the ground, scanning the area. He continued to hum his cheery melody as he circled around a forested area.

After a few minutes, he noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye. He focused his vision to a hilltop where two familiar figures are closing in on this... person?

It was hard to tell if this thing was a person considering how small it looked compared to Captain Falcon and Ganondorf who both held strong and tall builds. It wasn't until he flew in closer to get a better look when he realized that it indeed was a person!

He continued to fly in place as he watched the scene play out before him. They had already started to attack the person. But why were they attacking the mysterious person? Could it be... that they're actually an enemy!?

He pulled out Palutena's Bow, aiming it towards the trio, getting ready to shoot. The longer he waited, the more it began to charge until it became fully charged. It was ready to shoot, however, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Link wanted him to find and lead the person back to the group so they could prove that somebody did fall from the sky. Yet, here he is witnessing Ganondorf and Captain Falcon trying to hurt the person. The person didn't even seem to be fighting back but that might be because they already weakened it. They look scared... but is it all an act?

The hand holding onto the string and arrow began to shake as he switched back and forth between targets. He began to clutch tightly onto his bow, unable to decide. Should he shoot the supposed "enemy" to help the other two or... should he shoot near Ganondorf's feet as a distraction to give the person enough time to escape? What should he do? Who is in the right?

The answer seemed to be decided before he could even shoot.

He was too far away and too late to realize what your true intentions were to help you in time. He panicked when you landed right in front of Captain Falcon who was already prepared with a fully charged punch. At that moment, he couldn't bring himself to shoot.

Instinctively, he went to cover his eyes with his hands but left a gap so he could see what was happening. Right before you got hit—just before Captain Falcon's fist came into contact with you—a bright light escaped from your hand resulting in Captain Falcon noticeably being blinded and Ganondorf shielding his eyes.

The angel, however, was a fair distance away and had no need to shield his eyes and was able to witness the whole scene without batting an eye. In fact, he was able to notice something the other two couldn't at that moment.

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