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Unconsciousness... You don't remember passing out. All you remember was Yoshi carrying you away on his back. Now, you were dreaming of something weird and oddly familiar.

Two orbs lit up the dark, small room you stood inside in, floating slowly around you. One bright yellow and one that resembled an eye. As each orb made its way around your body, the light illuminated your body in different shades of pink-ish purple and yellowy white. The different hues of light lit up portions of your face, revealing eyes shut closed, almost as if you were sleeping.

The yellow orb seemed to be getting smaller as it was pushed back further and further away. The eye flew around you at a high speed, wanting to be in the spotlight. It was almost as if it was jealous and wanted a turn. But how could you know that?

With a gasp, you woke up confused by your surroundings. Everything was gray except for a small opening on the top that showed you were being moved. Staring at the material that you were being carried in, it looked like you were being carried in a duffle bag.

What now? You thought. Deciding to be a little bold, you spoke up.

"Hey!" Once you spoke up, whatever was carrying you stopped moving. Panicking, you started to struggle and shout some more, and it seemed to work because whatever was carrying you let you out of the contraption. Crawling out of the bag, you realized it was a net that you were being carried in and a small boy was holding the handle.

The small boy looked at you and waved his arm down almost as if he was trying to tell you to be quiet. He placed his round hand over his mouth and tried to hush you but that didn't seem to work either. Instead, he stopped and thought of an idea to get you to stop shouting.

You kept dragging yourself away from him in hopes to gain some distance. It wasn't until your back hit a tree when you finally stopped. You expected him to grab you, come at you, or even threaten you but you were met with a surprise.

He stood in front of you and put his hand behind him, searching for something in his back pocket. When he turned around, he showed off the butterfly he caught earlier.

The air around the butterfly seemed to glow, illuminating the butterfly, making it seem like a rare species, but it was only a common butterfly that can be found anywhere. Well, at least in your world it can be found anywhere.

Showing off of the butterfly seemed to work because you stopped shouting and crawling away. Instead, you simply stared as the butterfly fluttered on his hand before it flew towards you when he released it.

It landed on your nose gracefully, fluttering its fragile wings. You stared directly at it, wide eyed and lips slightly parted, causing your eyes to cross which gave you a goofy expression. The moment instantly brought you peace as you stared at the harmless creature.

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