19 | Gotta Catch 'Em All

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Charizard was about to follow but he heard a voice. He caught sight of something staring at him from the corner of his eye. Standing behind a building, half of their body exposed, stood a figure hiding in the shadows. The figure beckoned Charizard over, nodding his head to the side in a 'come over here' motion.

Charizard looked back at his trainer and the group to see them distracted before turning back to the edge of the building to see the figure disappear. He huffed his breath in irritation, debating whether he should alert his trainer and follow the figure or ignore it. However, his trainer yelled and ran after the group who began walking away.

Against his better wishes, Charizard decided to leave his trainer and follow the figure. It will only be for a moment, and then he'll go fly back to his trainer. After all, he wanted to see what his fellow Pokemon wanted from him.

The group continued onward, talking about the game the little smasher's were playing with the new guest. Squirtle continued to poke fun at Toon Link and Bulbasaur tried to get Squirtle to stop but he wouldn't listen.

Bulbasaur grumbled towards Charizard to help. When Bulbasaur noticed that Charizard didn't answer, he turned around to see Charizard was missing. He hummed in confusion, slowing to a stop to look around only to see Charizard turn around a corner. Tilting his head to the side, Bulbasaur wondered why Charizard went that way. Blinking in shock, he ran after him, wanting to know the reason.

"We're playing a game called Minefield! You should join us! We have to help (Y/n) get to the 'goal', aka the mansion, while avoiding the other smashers." Young Link explained.

"Sounds like fun. I'm in. But why do we have to avoid the others?" Red questioned, following them down the street.

"Huh? Didn't you hear?" Ness asked.

"Hear what?" Red shrugged in confusion.

"What?! There was a message! It's on flyers, they're all over the place!! Everyone's seen it!!!" Toon Link motioned to the pieces of paper lying on the ground.

"Oh. Well, I've been in the gym since this morning. Was there some sort of announcement? Ohhhh..." he moaned, slowly coming to a realization. "Does it have to do with you, our new guest?" he smiled, pointing in your direction.

"Wait, you really don't know?" Ness asked, squinting his eyes at him to see if he was telling the truth.

"I swear! What's going on? What did I miss?" Red asked again.

Everyone glanced at each other, shocked and unsure about the situation. How much should they tell Red?

And what could you say? The kids kind of went along with the game and didn't ask too much. The only real ally you have with you is Villager and he can't even talk.

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