16 | Ahoy!

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"We're sinking!" Pit screams, jumping onto the edge of the boat to avoid the water. If Pit learned anything from his lessons from Palutena, water and wings do not go hand in hand.

Link and Ike quickly followed suit and began to scoop as much water out of the boat as fast as they could. Kapp'n also assisted with a bucket but tossed it aside and tried to repair the hole with his tool kit and random objects in the hopes to preserve his precious boat. You helped him by holding down the objects as he nailed them down with a hammer.

"Avast yee! Give us the treasure!" Ness yelled out.

"What treasure!?" Link yelled back.

"The rare enemy! We're gonna get the reward for defeating it!" Lucas joined in.

"What reward? What are you talking about?" Ike stopped scooping out water and stood forward, looking at them with a questioning gaze.

"Didn't you get the message you scallywags?" Toon Link grunted, looking at them as if they were stupid.

"Ay!" The Ice Climbers cheered in agreement.

"No? Look, just let us on the ship so we can talk this out." Link pleaded. At this point, he also had a bucket and was shoveling water out twice as fast since Ike seemed to be idle in thought.

Kapp'n was doing his best to plug up the hole with his emergency repair kit and extra wood while you held the planks steady for him so that they could be hammered and nailed down.

It seemed as if the little smashers considered it for a moment before they turned their gaze to something that appeared to be out of view on deck, almost as if they were looking for approval.

Their gazes were set on Villager, currently passed out with a Captain's hat crookedly placed onto his head. He was the designated captain even though he is not actively participating at the moment.

The little smashers all found it strange when he disappeared from the group earlier during their hot potato game with a cuccoo earlier but decided to keep the sequence in which each of them gets to be a leader each game. Luckily, by the time they were about to start a new game, they happened to find Villager just in time for his turn during their commander/recruit game.

The group huddled in a circle and started to discuss what they should do since their captain was still dazed.

"Should we let them on board?" Ness questioned.

"I don't know, the cap's still sleeping." Lucas seemed unsure.

"I'll be captain!" Young Link cheered out, raising his hand in the air.

"No way! You were commander last game!" Toon Link argued, pushing his hand back down.

"What should we do then?" Young Link questioned.

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