4 | Let The Chase Begin

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Time seemed to go in slow motion. The sun was blocked from your frame by a morbid, skeletal face. The sound of a distorted war cry rang out.

This is it. This was game over... or was it?

All of a sudden you heard a loud and powerful voice yell, "FALCON PUNCH!" And just like that, the shadow covering your body disappeared.


The overwhelming ferocity from the flaming punch caused the ReDead to disintegrate into nothing but a pile of ash leaving only a single large fist in its place.

As the ash began to fall down over you, you took a shy glance up to see the darkened outline of the figure standing in front of the sun. Looking up only caused you to be blinded by the rays shining down on your pupils, making it hard to see the figure standing over you clearly.

The sun casted a shadow over their face and highlighted their body, preventing you from seeing who they were, especially since they wore a helmet, making it even more difficult to see their features. However, you didn't need any light to know who this person was.

A flashy blue flight suit, yellow armor and scarf, a bright red helmet with a golden falcon, its wings spread wide proudly, a very tall muscular and strong build, and the famous 'Falcon Punch!' line. There could only be one man who fits this description.

Captain Falcon!

But why and how is this possible? This all seems too real for it to be some sort of cosplay or very well put-together stunt as seen from the previous "enemies" like Hammer Bro and the ReDead that burst into ashes.

A turtle hybrid throwing hammers at you, a zombie-like creature attacking you and now a F-zero pilot/bounty hunter suddenly appears?

Time seemed to go back to normal as neither of you made any attempt to move. You were still laying on the floor, laying down, clutching your side where the ReDead hit you.

He was still lunged forward with his fist pointing straight ahead. The flames that had wrapped around his entire body to form a bird now simmered down into smaller flames, enough to light a candle.

It wasn't until the flames around his body burned out and the ash settled beneath the both of you onto the floor when you both let out a breath. One he sighed out in accomplishment and one you sighed out in anticipation and amazement.

Slowly, he brought his fist back to his side and stood straight making him look even taller compared to your huddled form. It was only then did you see the glow coming from his screen protector where his eyes blinked open to gaze at his surroundings in search of any danger.

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