2 | A Portal Opens

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The pounding of footsteps could be heard running up the stairs before the door to your room was slammed open, causing the door to hit your wall with a loud BANG. Quickly, you ran to your nightstand and fumbled with the charger, attempting to put it into the socket. A few misses from your shaky hands caused you to groan in annoyance before you finally reached your mark. Once it was in, you connected the other side of the wire into your Switch and set it aside to charge. Giddily, you waited on the bed like an excited kid on Christmas morning, waiting to open their presents. After a few short moments, the console lit up. Quickly you snatched it from your table and inserted the game card.

After you inserted the game card, you opened the game and excitedly began playing. The cinematic opening that began playing when you opened the game pleasantly surprised you. The opening was an introduction of all the available characters followed by a beautiful song. A gasp left your lips as your eyes were wide in excitement. The graphics were amazing!

Too busy admiring the video, you failed to notice the few cinematic scenes of a destined battle between the smashers and two unknown entities. Those few scenes only made you think it was a boss battle with Master Hand and Crazy Hand just like in the last game. However, this was not the case. But how could you have known? How could you have known this was something serious and involved you?

Once the opening finished, you were brought to the home screen. On the home screen was the smash icon. Just as you were about to press it, you hesitated when you noticed something new. Spirits? Tapping on the unfamiliar icon, you found an 'Adventure' mode. That's new! The urge to play it right away was strong but at the same time you wanted to play regular battles and start unlocking characters, so you went with the latter.

Hours and hours of fun. You could never get tired of regular battles against computers, but it was even more fun with others. Ah well, once the game comes out, your club members will have it by then and you'll all be able to play it together with them. Maybe you can show them and let them play with your game? Haha, boy are they going to be excited at the next club meeting.

It didn't take long for you to unlock the characters, so you decided to go back and play this 'Adventure' mode. You clicked on it and you were brought to the logo and underneath it read the words:

World of Light

Interesting! You went through the process of selecting a save file and choosing a difficulty but something strange happened...

The screen turned black and stayed that way for a minute. Was the battery dead? No, that can't be, you checked. It was almost fully charged. Did it break? No that can't be it either, you played regular battles without any errors or glitches earlier. Maybe it isn't unlocked yet? Well, it hasn't been released worldwide yet after all. Boo, you wanted to play. Ah well, guess it'll have to wait.

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