5 | Narrow Escape

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Huffing and puffing, your breath comes out ragged as you run far, far away from the two hunters and the broken pile of stone that was once a pillar. A pillar that took the brutal force of Captain Falcon's infamous punch in place of your head. That was a close call—a really close call. If you hadn't reacted the way you did, then your head would have... Well, that's something you didn't even want to think about.

Although, it's strange. The way your body moved on its own. They say that when you're met with danger then your body activates its fight-or-flight-or-freeze response. In this case, your flight response activated. However, the way you rolled away from the punch felt abnormal.

Throughout your life, you've never been or felt as if you were in any danger. If anything, your life was as average and normal as the next person. Though, to be honest... It was a little boring.

Going to school, coming home, playing video games, eating, then sleeping. The only thing that brought a little spice to your life were the video games your grandpa always bought you—and you were always grateful! But... you always wished for something more, you felt like there was more you could do.

Incidentally, it did seem like there was somebody or something out there that wanted you out of that average life, almost as if there was this voice that called out to you every night in your dreams. Since you never experienced a near-death situation like this, you can't say what you did was impossible, but it was strange.

You always thought you'd be the type to freeze in response to a dangerous situation and for a moment you did when Captain Falcon lifted his fist, ready to punch you. However, something within you seemed to take control, like there was this foreign being inside you that didn't want you to die just yet. It felt... warm in that split second, almost like your body was on fire for a moment.

Admittedly, that was the most excitement you've ever had in your life. Now, whether that was due to the adrenaline or the fact you were in another world—you did not want to know. At this point, you're not even sure if you can even handle any more excitement after who you just escaped from, but it appears this world has other things in store for you...

Currently, your body felt like it was on fire but that was due to the adrenaline flowing through your veins from the extreme amount of energy you were giving off as you dashed away from the scene. The dirt path you had been running on was leading you up a steep hill.

It may seem like a stupid idea to follow such an obvious path where the others could easily find you by following your footprints but if you were sure of one thing, this path has to lead somewhere and hopefully somewhere safe. And by having the high ground, you'd be able to see if they were still coming after you.

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