13 | Small and Mighty

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"Hahhh, she's safe." Snake finally spoke up, setting down his tablet and letting out a sigh of relief. After Snake told the others his "Plan B", he decided to check in on the newcomer.

Snake and the others were staring intently at the screen witnessing the whole scene. The scene of you and Pit chatting, of you falling, and finally of you landing safely on the ground. For now... you were safe. Pit must have come with Ike and Link, he knew he could trust them with you. It didn't seem like you were going to be moving from that secluded spot anytime soon so now was the best time to move.

"Alright listen up. We gotta move, NOW." Snake spoke with authority. "Everyone agrees with the plan? The fastest smashers should run up ahead and let Ike and Link know of the danger that's heading their way." he glanced at Captain Falcon, alluding to his mistake. "Bayonetta, Samus and Yoshi will run ahead. Bring Kirby with you so that she won't be frightened by you two." he stated, pointing at Bayonetta and Samus. "We'll stay behind and let the ones that are coming know it was a false alarm. Now go!"

Kirby slides his nose under Kirby and flips him onto his back before running off, the other two following suit. Snake turns to the rest of the group discussing the rest of the details of what they should do when the others come.

As they were discussing this, they failed to realize the danger that surrounded them. The smashers that had already been in the area came to the forest and hid in the bushes and trees.

Listening in on the conversation, they concluded that the others were trying to stop them from getting to the rare enemy before anyone else could so that they could take the reward for themselves!

There was no way they were going to let that happen. They were going to get to them before they realized what hit them.

A Deku Nut flew through the air, heading right for Captain Falcon. However, Captain Falcon quickly dodged to the side only for the Deku Nut to hit Villager instead.

Villager's eyes widened as he realized too little too late the situation he unluckily landed in. Before he could even react, the Deku Nut successfully exploded on impact and stunned Villager.

The others became alert but it was too late for them because before they knew it, an onslaught of carefully thrown items came hurling at them.

The second item to come at them was a Freezie. Almost as if predicting that Captain Falcon would dodge the first attack, they tossed this item right after the Deku Nut hoping he would sidestep into the second item and their estimate was correct.

As soon as Captain Falcon saw the first item fly at him, he lunged towards his left but unfortunately, he couldn't see the second item that was thrown at him from behind. Now, Captain Falcon was frozen in ice.

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