0 | Prologue

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Space-- A void. Everything was void of life and time didn't seem to matter. The only color in the surrounding area was the color gray. A wall between black and white. The gray that surrounded the area was neither too bright nor too dark, just a perfect balance. Everything was peaceful and quiet. The only sign of life was a tiny spec floating in the middle of the empty space. Upon closer inspection, the tiny spec was actually a person. The person was merely floating in the empty space, curled up into a ball, happily enjoying the atmosphere. However, things started to change, the world around the person started to change.

First, the color gray started to flicker, like a candle about to be blown out. Going from light gray to dark gray, as if it were battling one another for the position. Soon, the lighter color slowly bled into the surrounding, winning over the darker color, until everything was covered in a serene white. The white was so overwhelmingly bright that the person had to cover their eyes from the bright light that consumed them.

It wasn't until the bright light started to settle when you decided to take a peek. Peeking your eyes through the gap between your fingers, you noticed you were no longer in a space of black, gray, or white but in the sky, sitting on a cloud. No matter where you looked there was nothing but an endless cloudy sky. Nothing was out of the ordinary, at first, but the more you looked around, you finally noticed the odd thing in the sky. There were two suns.

The first sun was off in the distance, its shining rays blinding towards anyone who gazes upon it. The second sun was high in the sky, but it was larger than the other, almost as if it was somehow closer. Strangely enough, staring at the second sun didn't cause your eyes to burn or make them squint.

As the first sun was setting, the sky started to turn into warm shades of orange and pink. Once the colors settled, the second sun started to move closer and closer, causing you to back away until you were laying down. The floating peculiar round yellow orb floated a few feet from your form, causing it to cover your entire field of vision.

Not thinking things could get any stranger, things did. The orb started to speak. You couldn't quite focus on its words as you were too entranced by its glow and comfortable heat. It wrapped you in its warmth, warming you to the core even going so far as to warm the cloud beneath you. In a daze, you half listened and nodded along.

It spoke of the world and how dirty it was, insisting it needed to be cleansed of all its negativity. It said that what the world really needs is ORDER. 'Light' was the answer, a 'World of Light' would be for the best.

Too hypnotized to answer, you simply nodded your head, basking in its glow, and letting out a sigh. However, it started to get hotter and hotter to the point you began to sweat profusely. A tingling sensation seeped throughout your body as your skin burned. You tried to move, to get away somehow, but the cloud wrapped around you, preventing you from leaving. Frantically, the voice began to explain all the good things that can come from a 'World of Light'. Each word it spoke made the cloud wrap around you tighter, making it harder and harder to breathe.

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