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The thumping of your heartbeat throbbed painfully against your chest. It was so loud that you were afraid that Bayonetta and the others would be able to hear it.

Sweat slowly dripped down the side of your face but you didn't dare to wipe it away and risk any sign of movement. Not when a certain sharpshooter was heading in your direction. In just a few seconds she will reach your location, hidden away behind some bushes, and shoot you without hesitation.

It appeared your time here was coming to an end. This weird fantasy world from a video game quickly turned into a dangerous nightmare.

Weird powers? Strange creatures? Beloved characters suddenly attacking you? Everything was flipped upside down—topsy turvy! Nothing was making sense!

Everything you have seen will become nothing more than a memory. With no way out, you have no choice but to surrender and lie down and accept your fate. Right?


Why couldn't I just catch a break? Why did this have to happen to me? And on my birthday no less... Everything was so peaceful and quiet in my room—I had just come back from a normal day at school! Why did I have to play this game? Did grandpa do this? Did he do this to me!? Why isn't he here? Why am I alone? Why are they targeting me? Why do I have to go through all this PAIN and SUFFERING!?

Your body began to shake in anger, your pouting lip quivering in rage as you stared harshly in the direction of the others. Digging your fingers into the dirt next to your head made no difference other than to show how hopeless you felt. All these questions and feelings felt like they were pouring outside of you, creating a weight that felt like an indestructible armor of solitude and hate.

The air around you began to grow cold, enough to make your breath become visible but you didn't notice that, too busy wallowing in your self pity. The intrusion of emotions made you fail to realize that something started growing and slithering out of your left hand.

While you were distracted by Bayonetta, who was walking in your direction and taking her sweet time, your hand started to sprout something.

Unbeknownst to you, the sudden extreme emotions that flooded from you awakened another mysterious being inside you. However, it wasn't the warm light you felt from your right hand. No, it was something darker and colder.

An eyeball appeared in the center of your left palm suddenly, just like the yellow bright orb from earlier except this one had a darker aura to it. The sclera of the eye, which was supposed to be white, was blue. The iris was yellow and the pupil formed a slit. Surrounding the eyeball appeared to be claws, almost as if it was holding the eyeball open so it never blinks.

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