1 | An Invitation

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Ding Dong Ding Dong

The sound of the bell rang notifying the students that class was over. Students left and right scrambled to shove their belongings into their backpacks before leaving the school grounds to relax for the weekend. Today was Friday and everyone was excited to set their plans for the weekend into action. Even the teachers had left, wanting to beat the onslaught of student traffic.

Even though everyone left the classroom, there was one person who sat alone in the darkest corner. This person simply stayed for a few minutes to watch students pushing and shoving each other. It was funny to watch them all struggle to get past each other just so they could stand around and wait for their parents or join the line of honking cars that were trying to leave the parking lot but hey, that's school for you. Once things seemed to settle down, this lonesome student gathered their things, clearly not in any rush, before heading out the door.

The hallway was still littered with students because clubs usually took place after school on Fridays. All the clubs were held in one building, creating loud and bustling hallways. The doors to all these clubs were propped open to allow any visitors or newcomers into their club rooms to join or just to let them sit and wait to be picked up. Since the doors were open, this allowed the student walking through the halls to peek in and see what activities people were doing.

The 'Art club' was filled with a friendly atmosphere as people were painting with watercolor. The 'Chess club' was mostly silent except for the tapping sounds of chess pieces being moved around by very focused students. The 'Anime club' was watching a movie with students wildly shouting references at each other. There was even a 'Pokémon club' but they mostly went outside on their phones together in groups. There were plenty more, enough that almost all the classes in the large building were occupied with clubs.

The student, although very interested in these clubs, passed by them. It wasn't because they weren't interested in the clubs, it was because there was one club in particular that they wanted to spend all their time in. Since all the clubs were held on one day for an hour, it made it difficult for students to join various clubs. Of course, they could spend half their time in one club and visit a different club, but this certain club made them want to stay. This club was the 'Gaming Club'.

After going down several flights of stairs, the student walked down a hallway before making a final turn onto another hallway to a quieter part of the building. At the very end of this dark hallway was a propped open door with flashing lights seeping through. The sounds of furious button mashing and the shouting of very hyped people could be heard from the end of the hallway.

The student followed the sounds of cheering until they reached the open door only to witness various students crowding around two people playing a game. The student smiled at them waiting for them to finish a round. It didn't take long for the game to finish. The small crowd around the game cheered for the victor and congratulated them while the other student sat there groaning at their loss. They were about to start another game when the student made their presence known.

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