18 | Lumiose City

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"Minefield? What's Minefield?" Ness was the first to ask, tilting his head to the side in curiosity. The others eagerly looked towards you for an answer, wanting to know the rules.

"Minefield was a game I played as a kid. The rules are simple. A group selects one person to be blindfolded and the rest have to help the blindfolded person through an obstacle course. You win if you manage to get the person to the goal." You tried your best to explain the rules to the others as simply as you could.

A symphony of 'Ohhhs' left the little smashers mouths upon hearing the explanation. They all looked at each other eagerly, nodding their heads at each other in confirmation, wanting to play this new game.

"Alright! Let's find something to blindfold you with." Young Link announced, getting the others to scramble back to the ship in search of something to cover your eyes with.

Not wanting to create a disaster by letting them guide you blind and defenseless, you called out to them quickly in a panic.

Perhaps if it was another day in another time, you all could play the game properly. However, letting them guide you through unknown territory blind folded along with the possibility of enemy smashers coming out of nowhere is a recipe for disaster.

"Wait!" you yelled, causing them all to skid to a halt and look back at you. "We don't need a blindfold. Since I'm new here, and I don't know the layout. I'll leave it to you guys to guide me safely to the 'Goal'." you suggested. However, the little smashers seemed keen on wanting to use a blindfold on you to make things interesting and more challenging. Seeing their pondering expressions made you add on to the offer. "And—! If we reach the 'Goal' safe and sound, then I'll give you all a prize."

"A PRIZE!?" They yelled in unison.

"What kind of prize?" Toon Link asked, eyes sparkling in interest.

"We get to have a prize?" The ice climbers looked at each other excitedly.

"No way! What are we getting?" Lucas eagerly questioned.

The others kept asking questions and giving guesses as to what the prize could be. But to be honest, you had no idea what the prize was either. You didn't want to lie to their sweet and innocent faces, but you also didn't want to get blind folded so you had to think of something quickly.

"It's a secret." You winked at them with a smile, masking your guilt.

Oh well... I'll think of something along the way. You thought.

"A secret! Shhh." They all shushed each other excitedly but also tried to eagerly guess what the prize could be.

"Alright everyone! " you clapped your hands, gathering everyone's attention like a school teacher with their students. "We should get going before we come across any obstacles." Urging the others to move along, you began to walk forward so that they would follow you.

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