14 | Interrogation

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"Are you okay?" the mysterious figure gently questioned. Looking up in a daze to see the person who had just saved you, your eyes sparkled in awe at your newfound hero. His face was shadowed over by the sun blinding you, but you could still make out a few notable features.

His hair was a beautiful golden, honey color. It was spiky and ruffled into a windswept style. Atop his head was a bright green cap, long and pointed towards the end. Peeking out from just behind his hair were his very noticeably different ears, which were long and spiky unlike yours. Resembling one of woodland elves, from games and stories.

His clothes consisted of a simple matching green tunic that lay on top of tan pants and a long sleeve shirt. The sleeves of his shirt were wrapped with brown leather armor. He also wore brown leather boots and straps that wrapped around his chest and waist. Two objects poked out of his back but you could

He looks familiar...

Too busy admiring his features, you didn't realize you were staring at him with curiously wide eyes until he spoke again.

"Huh?" you uttered out in confusion.

"I said are you okay?" he questioned once again, gently but slowly this time. As he said this a second time, he moved closer to examine your face and features, allowing his head to shade you from the sun this letting you see who he really was.

It was Link!

"I-I'm okay." you stuttered out in shock, too scared and surprised to say anything more. What if he's like Captain Falcon and the others who are after you?

"Good. I'm glad you're okay." Link smiled in relief, standing up from his crouched position. "Here, let me help you up." he brought his hand out for you to grab, his smile never leaving his face.

Ah, those words. It felt nice to hear the words: 'Are you okay?'. His demeanor was strong like a warrior's, his sword and shield proudly displayed on his back. But his soul seemed calming and gentle, his face never shown any signs or intent to harm you. He gave the sense that you could trust him. But should you?

Pit gave off that same aura of trust, his playful and joyous personality made it easy to talk to him. But look where that landed you—falling off a cloud to your doom. Then again, Pit was only trying to help you with your mysterious power. His heart was in the right place but his "thought-out plan", not so much.

But what else could you do at this moment? Run away? Where? When you looked down from the cloud earlier, the island right below you was surrounded by an endless sea of water. There is nowhere to run.

Your gut instinct told you it's okay to trust him, but should you? Deciding to go with your gut instinct, you grabbed his hand, letting him pull you up off the sand onto your feet.

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