20 | Dragged Through The Sky

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Wake up.

"Hey. Wake up." A voice called out to you.

Groggily, your eyes slowly opened your eyes to see the horizon far in the distance. It seemed that the sun was almost setting, turning the sky into a beautiful shade of amber while also painting the clouds surrounding it a bright pink color. Not far behind from the sun's rays was the deep blue sky, slowly turning darker by the minute.

The wind blew across your face and for a second, you thought you were still dreaming. It wasn't until your head leaned forward when you saw how far away the ground was. The clouds just below passed underneath your feet, showing you that you were indeed very far from the ground. Being in the sky, several hundred feet in the air wasn't new. How many times has it been now?

It almost seemed comical at this point. But to you, it was no laughing matter. In fact, you were starting to fall back asleep. Maybe it was due to the fact that you were physically exhausted. Or maybe it's because you still had hope that maybe if you close your eyes, you'll wake up from this Dream or rather... Nightmare.

Whatever the reason, you slowly let your body relax and fall back asleep, failing to take into consideration your current predicament.

"Hey! Wake up! I'll drop you, you know?" The voice raised their voice.

Hearing the voice aroused you from your slumber once more, not even getting the chance to fall asleep to that weird dream again. Hearing the word 'drop' seemed to jolt you awake. Now fully aware, you took notice of the fact that you could use your arms and legs freely despite traveling through the sky. Were you flying? Did your so-called wings finally come out!?

"Hey! Last chance! You awake yet!?" An annoyed voice aggressively grunted out. Said person seemed to shake you as your body flung around in a panic.

"Ah! I'm awake! I'm awake!" you yelled, flailing your arms around to let the person know that you were indeed awake.

"Tch, finally." The figure above you tsked, fixing their grip on the collar of your jacket.

It was at that moment when you realized that you were not in fact flying, but somebody was holding you up by the back of your jacket. Ah, you should've known.

Looking up to get a glance as to who was holding you up, your head stopped just before your eyes could land on the person. Your jacket prevented you from looking any further.

"Hey! Who are you?!" You loudly asked, holding onto their forearms for support.

"Ugh, stop being so loud." The person's deep, annoyedly sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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