12 | A Lesson Learned

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"Everything happened so fast and I barely had time to realize you were the person who fell from the sky! You were so far away and Link couldn't give me a description on what you looked like either! Please forgive me!" Pit pleaded, his cheeks beginning to sting from how hard you were pulling them.

You sighed and let go of his cheeks, feeling bad for jumping to conclusions. Gently, you rubbed his cheeks to soothe his stinging pain which took him by surprise. "Sorry. I'm just stressed. Everything is just so new for me and I didn't even know I had these powers." you explained sadly, feeling oddly comfortable sharing how you were truly feeling at the moment.

"Oh! Are you having trouble using them on command?" he asked, coming to a stop to fly in place.

"I guess?" you said with uncertainty. "They just appear without me realizing." you explained.

"I can help with that!" Pit eagerly exclaimed.

"You can?" you questioned him, unsure about his proposal.

"Sure! Lady Palutena taught me how to fly after all. Well—I mean... She taught me about wing placement and how I should angle my body during flight. I can't really fly without the help of Lady Palutena." He shrugged his shoulders and gave a half smile.

"She grants me the Power of Flight but luckily Master and Crazy Hand made it so that in this world I wouldn't need to call on her whenever I needed help flying. She can still control my wings but not during battle, that's cheating. Although, I can only fly for 5 minutes at a time before I need to take a break. Which reminds me..." Pit hummed, searching around the skies for a platform. "I actually need to take a break right about now. Hmmm... Aha!" he exclaimed, finding a platform which just so happened to be above Tortimer Island.

Sure, he could just fly down to where the others were waiting but he wanted to spend some more time with you, just one-on-one. The others won't mind waiting a few extra minutes, right?

What's the worst that could happen?

"Here we are! Let's rest for a bit before we continue." he placed you down on your feet. panic consumed your body when you suddenly remembered your ankle was twisted but when your foot touched the platform's ground, you didn't feel any pain. In fact, it felt as if you were standing on air.

Looking around, you noticed the platform was a fluffy cloud. Each step you took caused the platform's foggy layer to swirl around your feet. At first you thought that the black vein that wrapped around your leg somehow healed your injury but when you reached a hand down to grasp your ankle, the dull sensation ached throughout it, meaning it's still twisted.

As you were doing this, Pit was busy stretching out his wings, too busy to take notice of your serious injury that you did your best to hide.

Pit began stretching his wings out. He had his arms above his head and his back curved to push his wings far away from his body. He continued to stretch his wings, flaring them out, as they began to shake and flutter before he finally relaxed and brought his wings to rest against his back. After his little wing stretch, he turned to you, ready to begin his lesson. It was only when he suddenly turned around when you stopped rubbing your sore ankle.

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