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Soulmate (゠リに)

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Soulmate (゠リに)

𝐀 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫

(サラ果ワ艶挨域偉め ギこ 飲ラ)



Wednesday afternoon...

"See you!" 

"Yea later!"

Me, Gajeel, and Gray were walking home together. We had just finished classes for today and decided to hold a study group at Gray's place.

 First we had to stop by Gajeel's so he could get his books. Erza was going to come by with levy and Mirajane was going to drop off Lisanna so she can say hi to Ultear. Rouge said he would drag Sting over later.

"You guys can come in if you want." Gajeel grunted. "You always sound so mad G, and of course I'm coming inside I haven't seen your mom or Lily in forever!" I said with a smile. Gray chuckled, "She's right you know, 12 years and you haven't stopped frowning."

Gajeel rolls his eyes and mumbles something under his breath as he unlocked his door. I heard pounding on the stairs and immediately knew who it was.


"Lucy-nee!" She jumped into my arms and we walked into the living room to chat when I heard a familiar voice call out. 

"Gajeel, Is that Lucy and Gray?" Gajeel's mom walked out of the kitchen and welcomed me and Gray with a hug. "Hi Ms.Redfox!" I exclaimed.

 Me, Lily, and Gray chatted as we waited for Gajeel. After 5 minutes he came back downstairs with his books. "Kay, Lets go." He said. We wave goodbye and walk out the door towards Gray's House.


"Yo! Ul you here?" Ultear came downstairs with her glasses on and her hair in a messy bun. "Hey! you didn't tell me we had guests!" She said embarrassed as she hit Gray on the back of the head.

 "Hi Ul!" I said pulling her into a hug. "Hey girl! It's been to long!" She turned to Gajeel and looked him up and down."Still have that scowl I see" She giggled as she tugged on his ear and then hugged him.

"I'll be upstairs if you guys need anything! DON'T wreck the place!" She hissed glaring at gray. He has, several times in the past, thrown parties without his sisters knowledge.

30 minutes later Me, Gray, Gajeel, Erza, Levy, Lisanna, Sting, and Rouge were sitting around a table. Me, Levy, Gray, and Erza were actually studying. Rouge was reading, Sting and Lisanna were whispering to each other and giggling, and Gajeel was sleeping on the couch.

"You guys are totally gonna fail this test." Levy said clearly agitated by Gajeel's snoring.

The only reason we were cramming was because Gajeel and Sting begged us to help them, clearly they didn't want our help that much. 

After about another 30 minutes of pointless 'studying' Levy begged Erza to drive her home and Erza finally agreed.

"I'm gonna take Levy and Lisanna home" She said clearly exhausted. She had a Martial arts tournament last weekend and was very stressed.

I frowned at the sight of bags under her eyes. "Take care of yourself Erza, say hi to your mom for me." I said concerned. She thanked me and dragged Lisanna away from Sting as Levy followed close behind.

 Minutes Later everyone had said goodbye and me and Gray were the only ones left. He chuckled at me rubbing my temples.

"I swear Sting gives me the biggest headache." I said. I soon waved goodbye to Gray and called out a goodbye to Ultear, who was still upstairs.


I was walking down the road to my house when I spotted a little girl on the side of the road holding a white cat. The girl was short and had long blue hair, she looked around Lily's age.

I walked over to her. "Hey, is everything okay?" I noticed blood dripping down her knee. "Tell me where your house is, you need to clean that up."

She looked up at me with her tear stained cheeks a slight red and nodded. She held my hand as she showed me to her house.

 Once on her door step I rang the doorbell. The door opened and I looked up at who was standing in front of me. It was a tanned guy who looked around my age, he had muscles and a toned body.

But what shocked me most wasn't his good looks but...His pink hair!?!?



JEEZ, I feel like this chapter was way longer than it should have been. But yay! I finally started writing! Now that I'm writing I really don't want to stop but I should probably go to bed. lmk if you liked this chapter and if you did Follow! See you next time!

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