𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Me and Natsu exchange looks. I jump off his lap and race down stairs. 


I come down stairs to find my stove on fire and Erza with a fire extinguisher. Sting looks at me and bolts onto the patio. "STING!!!" I yell running after him.

When I catch him I drag him back into the house to face judgement. He explains how he accidentally spilled oil on the stove then turned it on. We all stare at him. "W-What?" I face palm. "Erza just.. ya know." "With pleasure." She says walking up to Sting.

We all ignore his screams for help and clean up the mess he caused. Once we finally finish Gajeel starts grilling and we all sit around the pool talking and watching the sunset. Gajeel finishes and hands out hot dogs, hamburgers, etc.

We all eat and laugh and talk. I smile to myself. I remember when it was Just me, Gray, and Ultear. And then we met Erza and Gajeel and Lily, years later we met Sting, Rouge, Levy, and Lisanna. And then I met him. My smile grows wider.


"What are you smiling about Lucy?" Lisanna asks laughing. "Nothing I'm just having fun."

We continue on like this for another hour or so before cleaning up and heading inside. We watch Tv, drink, and play games. 


The next morning...

I wake up on the couch. I turn and see my friends passed out around me. I smile and spot Gray in the kitchen on his phone. "Morning Gray." I say starting a pot of coffee. "Morning." He replies not looking up from his phone. 

I peek over his shoulder and see Juvia's contact pulled up. I raise my eyebrows, my mouth making a 'o' shape. "Gray! Lets go on a walk." I say grabbing his arm and dragging him to the beach. 

After walking in silence for a while I say, "Ya know she really loves you." He looks up at me then down at his phone again before shoving his hands into his pockets. "Before we left I yelled at her and told her I needed space." He says staring at his feet. 

I give him a sad smile. "And?" "And she hasn't reached out to me since." He replies. "Do you want her to?" I say looking at him. He stops walking. "I-I don't know. I thought she was just another one of my girlfriends but it feels different with her. It doesn't feel right without her constantly clinging to me or yelling 'Gray-Sama'." 

I turn towards him and smile. "Maybe you should tell her that." He blushes and looks away. "We should head back they might get worried." He says changing the subject. We walk back to the house in comfortable silence. When we reach the patio doors he says, "Thanks Lu." Before walking inside. 

I smile.



Yay! Nalu and Gruvia! I'm really excited for next chapter! Thx for reading if you like then follow!

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now