𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Saturday morning 1:30 pm...

Late last night we all left for Lucy's beach house. We were supposed to leave after school but thanks to a special someone we were late. I don't know what would possibly make us think it was okay to give Sting the responsibility of driving the RV to Lucy's house.

Long story short it took him an hour to figure out how to drive it and then...he crashed it. Thanks to Lucy we paid for it and got another one. 

Currently I'm driving, we have about 5 more hours before we are there. We have been rotating driving, except for Sting. We won't let him near the wheel. I glance back to see how everyone is doing.

Lucy is lying across the couch with her feet in Gray's lap and her head in Natsu's, who are also asleep. Gajeel and levy are sleeping on the bed in the back. And Sting and Lisanna are talking.


I roll my eyes, "What Sting?" "Damn woman your so mean." I turn and give him my death glare. "U-uh I-I mean I have to pee." The RV we had before had a restroom but this one doesn't. "That wouldn't be a problem if you hadn't crashed the RV, would it?" I smile at him. Lisanna giggles from where she is sitting on the floor. 

15 minutes later...

I slowly pull into a gas station and open the RV doors. Sting bolts out and Lisanna follows slowly behind. I get up to wake up the others. 


Everyone bolts up and jumps to the windows only to see a gas station. Lucy groans and plops back down on Natsu's lap while Natsu pulls out his phone. Gray, Gajeel, Levy, and me exit the RV and walk into the gas station.



"Ugh Erza would wake us up over a freaking gas station." I say snuggling into Natsu's chest. He looks down at me and chuckles. "I can make you feel better." He smirks. "Oh really?" I sit up on his lap and he puts his phone down.

Our faces are inches apart and then I feel the collar of my shirt being pulled on. I look up to see Gray. "Oops, I forgot my wallet AND my sister." He says and drags me out of the RV. "Gray! I'm not wearing shoes!" He ignores me and keeps walking. 

I look back at Natsu who glares at Gray and then grabs my shoes and tosses them. I catch one but the other unfortunately hits Gray in the back of the head. He turns back and drops me. He stomps back to the RV as I slip my shoes on and walk inside the gas station. 

I'm greeted by Erza walking out with bags full of sweets. "G get me some skittles!" I toss him my wallet and follow Erza out. Lisanna follows behind me riding on Sting's back with a bag. 

As we approach the RV I start, "Erza you might not want to-" I'm interrupted by Gray barreling out the door making Erza drop her bags. I sigh picking up her bags and backing away. Natsu watches Gray from the window with a grin spreading across his face.


Lisanna whips out her phone to record as Erza beats the living daylights out of Gray. Gajeel and Levy exit the gas station to witness the scene. Gajeel walks up to me and hands me my skittles. "What did he do?" Levy whispers to me. I point to the bag I'm holding to reveal smashed cake. She nods like it explains everything.

After Erza finishes we all load into the RV and I take my place at the wheel. 5 hours left.



Ok I finally wrote something. I was kinda having a writers block but whatever. This chapter is kinda short but again, whatever. I'm gonna try and finish this book at 20 chapters because I have another one I'm really excited about and want to focus on. I will announce what it is at the end of this book! I promise more Nalu and Gruvia! Anyway if you like then follow, thx!

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now